Page 68 - News Letter
P. 68

                                                    POLICY 2020
         Our college IQAC organized a One day workshop on
         IIQA & SSR preparation & National Education Policy
         2020 on 15 September 2022 to all the teaching faculty
         under the Chairpersonship of the Vice Principal K.R.
         Manjula and with Dr.S. Sankar, Former Principal &
         NAAC Advisor, ANR College, Gudivada as Resource
         person,  the  programme  started  with  planting  a
         sapling by the resource person Dr. S. Sankar.

                                                                 In the morning session, from 10Am to 1Pm, Dr.S.
                                                                   Sankar  explained  in  Our  Qualitative  and
                                                                   Quantitative metrics and clarified the doubts of
                                                                   staff members.
                                                                 In  the  Afternoon  Session,  Dr.  S.  Sankar,
                                                                   enlightened  the  staff  members  on  the  New
                                                                   Education Policy 2020 and presented a PPT for
                                                                   better understanding.

                                                     OZONE DAY
         World  Ozone  Day  or  International  Day  for  Preservation  of
         Ozone  Layer  is  observed  on  September  16  every  year.  The
         motto  behind its  observation is  spreading awareness  among
         people about Ozone Layer depletion and searching for possible
         solutions to preserve it. The day marks nearly three decades of
         global cooperation under the Montreal Protocol to protect the
         ozone  layer  and  the  environment.  On  this  occasion,  the
         Department  of  Chemistry  organized  Elocution  and  Drawing
         competitions. First, Second and Third Prizes were given to the
         winners.  All  the  students  and  lecturers  stressed  on  the
         preservation  of  Ozone  layer  by  limiting  the  production  of
         chemicals that lead to its depletion. The theme of this year is
         “global cooperation protecting life on earth.” There is an urgent
         need  for  global  cooperation  to  solve  climate  concerns  and
         protect life on Earth for future generations.

                                               HANDFUL OF RICE
                                              To initiate the best practice in the college, it is decided to donate Rice
                                              to Oldage – Orphanage Homes by involving all stake holders of the
                                              college  that  is  students  and  staff.    In    this  regard  ,  a  notice  is
                                              circulated among the staff and students and the following quantity
                                              of Rice is collected.
                                              I Degree students                    8 kgs
                                              II Degree students                   7 kgs
                                              III Degree students                  5 kgs
                                              PG Students                          6 kgs
                                              Teaching & Non-Teaching staff         26 Kgs
                                              Total                                52kgs
                                              The  collected  Rice  is  donated  to  MAMATA  OLDAGE  located  at
                                               Gudivada on 20 September 2022.

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