Page 34 - Adventures through the World of Entomology
P. 34

How do the antennae of insects help in their survival?  If you were to lose your sight, become deaf,                      How do the antennae of insects help in their survival?  If you were to lose your sight, become deaf,
      unable to taste or smell, you would pretty much be a blind deaf-mute.  That’s exactly what you would do                    unable to taste or smell, you would pretty much be a blind deaf-mute.  That’s exactly what you would do
      if you cut off the antennae of an insect.  Insects “see” with their antennae, “hear” with their antennae,                 if you cut off the antennae of an insect.  Insects “see” with their antennae, “hear” with their antennae,
     “talk” (communicate) with their antennae, “smell” with their antennae and “taste” with their antennae.                     “talk” (communicate) with their antennae, “smell” with their antennae and “taste” with their antennae.

      FOR EXAMPLE — Termites are cryptobiotic; that is they live in the dark all of the time, except for the                    FOR EXAMPLE — Termites are cryptobiotic; that is they live in the dark all of the time, except for the
      very brief time that the alates (males and females) are swarming.  The swarmers have eyes because they                    very brief time that the alates (males and females) are swarming.  The swarmers have eyes because they
      do come out in the light – however briefly.  The soldiers and worker termites do not have eyes.  Why                       do come out in the light – however briefly.  The soldiers and worker termites do not have eyes.  Why
      should they?  They live in the dark channels in the wood or in the earth all of the time.  Since there is no               should they?  They live in the dark channels in the wood or in the earth all of the time.  Since there is no
      light, they couldn’t see.  They are like blind men.  A blind man “sees” with his cane.  As he taps his way                light, they couldn’t see.  They are like blind men.  A blind man “sees” with his cane.  As he taps his way
      down the street, he can tell when he comes to a corner because his cane tells him there is a step down to                  down the street, he can tell when he comes to a corner because his cane tells him there is a step down to
      the street.  He can “see” the fire hydrant on the corner with his cane.  The cane will tell him that the fire              the street.  He can “see” the fire hydrant on the corner with his cane.  The cane will tell him that the fire
      hydrant is round and has bumps on it and the cane will tell him how high it is.  The only thing it won’t                  hydrant is round and has bumps on it and the cane will tell him how high it is.  The only thing it won’t
      tell him is what color it is.  The antennae of the termite worker and soldier function just like the blind                 tell him is what color it is.  The antennae of the termite worker and soldier function just like the blind
      man’s cane and so we can say that termites “see” with their antennae.                                                      man’s cane and so we can say that termites “see” with their antennae.

                                                                TERMITE WORKERS (NYMPHS)                                                                                                  TERMITE WORKERS (NYMPHS)
       TERMITE SWARMERS (ALATES) HAvE EYES.                HAvE NO EYES, THEY uSE ANTENNAE.                                      TERMITE SWARMERS (ALATES) HAvE EYES.                 HAvE NO EYES, THEY uSE ANTENNAE.

                                       Photo Courtesy of UNVAR                          Photo Courtesy of UNVAR                                                Photo Courtesy of UNVAR                          Photo Courtesy of UNVAR

      FOR EXAMPLE — Crickets have a special organ called a tympanum that they use to hear vibrations.                           FOR EXAMPLE — Crickets have a special organ called a tympanum that they use to hear vibrations.
      However, most insects use their antennae to pick up vibrations in their environment.  They can “hear”                     However, most insects use their antennae to pick up vibrations in their environment.  They can “hear”
      the wind blowing with their antennae.                                                                                      the wind blowing with their antennae.

                                                               Photo Courtesy of UNVAR                                                                                                  Photo Courtesy of UNVAR

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