Page 35 - Adventures through the World of Entomology
P. 35

FOR EXAMPLE — Have you ever watched a trail                         ARGENTINE ANTS                                         FOR EXAMPLE — Have you ever watched a trail                        ARGENTINE ANTS
                  of ants going in one direction with a number of ants                                                                       of ants going in one direction with a number of ants
                  returning along the trail from the other direction?                                                                        returning along the trail from the other direction?
                  You won’t watch very long until you see two of                                                                            You won’t watch very long until you see two of
                  them stop, one from one direction and one from the                                                                         them stop, one from one direction and one from the
                  other direction, and touch antennae together.  They                                                                        other direction, and touch antennae together.  They
                  are passing information to each other, probably                                                                            are passing information to each other, probably
                  through an exchange of chemicals, or maybe even                                                                            through an exchange of chemicals, or maybe even
                  just from touch.  They are communicating with each                                                                         just from touch.  They are communicating with each
                  other. Thus, we can say that insects “talk” with their                                                                     other. Thus, we can say that insects “talk” with their
                  antennae.                                                                            Photo Courtesy of UNVAR              antennae.                                                                           Photo Courtesy of UNVAR

                  FOR EXAMPLE — Sex attractant hormones are commonly used to lure stored food product pests out                              FOR EXAMPLE — Sex attractant hormones are commonly used to lure stored food product pests out
                  of their hiding places in supermarkets to a trap so that their presence can be documented.  It is common                   of their hiding places in supermarkets to a trap so that their presence can be documented.  It is common
                  knowledge that some male moths and butterflies can pick up the scent given off by the female literally                     knowledge that some male moths and butterflies can pick up the scent given off by the female literally
                  miles away as she wafts a sex hormone into the breeze to attract a male.  The insects use their antennae                   miles away as she wafts a sex hormone into the breeze to attract a male.  The insects use their antennae
                  to capture these scents.  Thus, we can say that insects smell with their antennae. (I’ve seen this type of                 to capture these scents.  Thus, we can say that insects smell with their antennae. (I’ve seen this type of
                  behavior exhibited in humans on the streets at Hollywood and Vine. Down there they call it “perfume.”)                     behavior exhibited in humans on the streets at Hollywood and Vine. Down there they call it “perfume.”)

                                     An insect, like this American cockroach, has its sense of                                                                 An insect, like this American cockroach, has its sense of

                                   taste centered in special receptors in the tip of its antennae.                                                            taste centered in special receptors in the tip of its antennae.

                                                                                          Photo Courtesy of UNVAR                                                                                                  Photo Courtesy of UNVAR

                  FOR EXAMPLE — The next time you come across an American cockroach infestation, stop and watch                              FOR EXAMPLE — The next time you come across an American cockroach infestation, stop and watch
                  one of the individuals for a while.  It won’t be long until you see the cockroach touch the tip of its long                one of the individuals for a while.  It won’t be long until you see the cockroach touch the tip of its long
                  antenna onto the surface in front of it.  It is tasting the environment hoping to find something very                      antenna onto the surface in front of it.  It is tasting the environment hoping to find something very
                  agreeable to eat.  Its sense of taste is centered in special receptors in the tip of its antennae.  Thus, we               agreeable to eat.  Its sense of taste is centered in special receptors in the tip of its antennae.  Thus, we
                  can say that insects taste with their antennae.                                                                            can say that insects taste with their antennae.

                  Given all of these for instances, you can readily see that an insect’s antennae are extremely important to                 Given all of these for instances, you can readily see that an insect’s antennae are extremely important to
                  it.  The loss of an antenna means disorientation.                                                                          it.  The loss of an antenna means disorientation.

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