Page 36 - Adventures through the World of Entomology
P. 36

So much for insects’ antennae.  Let’s now move to some other important organs on the head — the eyes.                     So much for insects’ antennae.  Let’s now move to some other important organs on the head — the eyes.
      Insects, in general, have two kinds of eyes.                                                                              Insects, in general, have two kinds of eyes.

      First there are the simple eyes, called ocelli.  Some                                                                     First there are the simple eyes, called ocelli.  Some
      insects do not have any ocelli.  Some insects have                                                                        insects do not have any ocelli.  Some insects have
      only one.  Some insects have two and some insects                                                                          only one.  Some insects have two and some insects
      have three.  The Honeybee is an insect that has                                                                           have three.  The Honeybee is an insect that has
      three ocelli, and a pair of compound eyes as well.                                                                         three ocelli, and a pair of compound eyes as well.
      The ocelli are arranged in the configuration of a                                                                         The ocelli are arranged in the configuration of a
      triangle.  They consist of a simple dense lens with                                                                        triangle.  They consist of a simple dense lens with
      some light receptors (sensory retinal cells) beneath                                                                       some light receptors (sensory retinal cells) beneath
      the lens.  These eyes cannot focus and they cannot                                                                         the lens.  These eyes cannot focus and they cannot
      produce images.  They are there solely to perceive                                                                         produce images.  They are there solely to perceive
      differences in light intensity.  A quick change                                                                            differences in light intensity.  A quick change
      in light intensity means danger to the insect and                                    Photo Courtesy of UNVAR             in light intensity means danger to the insect and                                    Photo Courtesy of UNVAR
      causes it to run or fly away.  Have you ever tried                                                                         causes it to run or fly away.  Have you ever tried
      to catch a fly with your hand and just as you were ready to swoop down on it, it flew away? Chances                        to catch a fly with your hand and just as you were ready to swoop down on it, it flew away? Chances
      are, the shadow of your hand fell over its ocelli announcing the presence of danger.  When termites are                    are, the shadow of your hand fell over its ocelli announcing the presence of danger.  When termites are
      swarming, if a shadow (perhaps from a small passing cloud) passes over the exit tube, the termites will                    swarming, if a shadow (perhaps from a small passing cloud) passes over the exit tube, the termites will
      stop their swarming and perhaps that colony will not put out any more swarmers that year.  The danger                      stop their swarming and perhaps that colony will not put out any more swarmers that year.  The danger
      bell was rung!                                                                                                             bell was rung!

      The second kind of eyes that insects have are the compound eyes.  These are much larger and sometimes                     The second kind of eyes that insects have are the compound eyes.  These are much larger and sometimes
      take up a large part of the surface of the head.  A single insect may have both simple and compound                        take up a large part of the surface of the head.  A single insect may have both simple and compound
      eyes.  The surface of the compound eye is covered with hexagonal lenses – several thousand of them                         eyes.  The surface of the compound eye is covered with hexagonal lenses – several thousand of them
      – each focusing on an individual retina which produces a part of the scene before it.  The central nervous                – each focusing on an individual retina which produces a part of the scene before it.  The central nervous
      system integrates the signals from the individual lenses into a mosaic image.  This type of eye is                         system integrates the signals from the individual lenses into a mosaic image.  This type of eye is
      particularly adapted to perceive movement, and here again, movement signals danger.  The fly that you                      particularly adapted to perceive movement, and here again, movement signals danger.  The fly that you
      were trying to catch may have perceived the movement of your hand.                                                        were trying to catch may have perceived the movement of your hand.

                        HONEY BEE                                   BALD-FACED HORNET                                                             HONEY BEE                                    BALD-FACED HORNET

                                                              3 ocelli (siMple eyes)                                                                                                     3 ocelli (siMple eyes)

                                                                                      coMpounD eye                                                                                                              coMpounD eye
       Photo Courtesy of UNVAR                          Photo Courtesy of UNVAR                                                 Photo Courtesy of UNVAR                         Photo Courtesy of UNVAR
          Honey Bees have 2 compound eyes and 3              Bald Face Hornets have 3 ocelli and 2                                  Honey Bees have 2 compound eyes and 3               Bald Face Hornets have 3 ocelli and 2
                     ocelli (simple eyes).                              compound eyes.                                                         ocelli (simple eyes).                               compound eyes.

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