Page 39 - Adventures through the World of Entomology
P. 39

You see that while most adult insects have compound eyes, some are attracted to light and some are                        You see that while most adult insects have compound eyes, some are attracted to light and some are
                  repelled by light.  It might help you know this fact about each insect that you are trying to control.                     repelled by light.  It might help you know this fact about each insect that you are trying to control.

                            SuBTERRANEAN TERMITE TuBES                        SuBTERRANEAN TERMITE                                                    SuBTERRANEAN TERMITE TuBES                        SuBTERRANEAN TERMITE
                                                                                       SWARMER                                                                                                                   SWARMER

                                                                                                    Photo by Stennett Heaton                                                                                                  Photo by Stennett Heaton
                                                     Photo Courtesy of UNVAR                          Courtesy of UNVAR                                                      Photo Courtesy of UNVAR                          Courtesy of UNVAR
                               Even subterranean termites can emerge inside – Through the tubes they build.                                              Even subterranean termites can emerge inside – Through the tubes they build.

                                               Webbing clothes moths are repelled by light.                                                                               Webbing clothes moths are repelled by light.
                            WEBBING CLOTHES MOTH LARvA                    ADuLT WEBBING CLOTHES MOTH                                                  WEBBING CLOTHES MOTH LARvA                    ADuLT WEBBING CLOTHES MOTH

                                                     Photo Courtesy of  UNVAR                     Photo Courtesy of UNVAR                                                    Photo Courtesy of  UNVAR                     Photo Courtesy of UNVAR

                     Post Quiz for Adventure three                                                                                             Post Quiz for Adventure three

                     1.    Ants have moniliform antennae.                                                  t     f                             1.  Ants have moniliform antennae.                                                     t     f
                     2.  the antennae of the male Culex mosquito are “bushy.”                              t     f                             2.  the antennae of the male Culex mosquito are “bushy.”                               t     f

                     3. the term cryptobiotic means living in the wide open spaces.                        t     f                             3.  the term cryptobiotic means living in the wide open spaces.                        t     f
                     4.  termite soldiers have large eyes to see better in the dark.                       t     f                             4.  termite soldiers have large eyes to see better in the dark.                        t     f

                     5.  Insect antennae are hairless.                                                     t     f                             5. Insect antennae are hairless.                                                       t     f
                     6.  the “simple” eyes of an insect are called “ocelli.”                               t     f                             6.  the “simple” eyes of an insect are called “ocelli.”                                t     f

                     7. Insects can focus their ocelli to produce sharp images.                            t     f                             7. Insects can focus their ocelli to produce sharp images.                             t     f
                     8.  An insect’s compound eyes are particularly adapted to perceive movement.          t     f                             8. An insect’s compound eyes are particularly adapted to perceive movement.            t     f

                     9. some insects are attracted to light while some are repelled by light.              t     f                             9.  some insects are attracted to light while some are repelled by light.              t     f
                     10.  Indian meal moths and clothes moths are attracted to light.                      t     f                             10. Indian meal moths and clothes moths are attracted to light.                        t     f

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