Page 187 - IT'S A RUM LIFE BOOK TWO "BOSTON 1960 TO 1970"
P. 187

there for a short while she retraced her steps back down and
            all seemed quiet.
               We were truly amazed that this should have been going on
            for quite some time without our knowledge. We had to spoil
            her fun for the fear on one evening she should tumble from the
            top of the wardrobe and do herself some serious harm. The cot
            was relocated!

               I feel something more must be mentioned of Peter and this
            is the best place to fit it in.
                  Peter and his wife Margaret moved into their new house on
            the Woodside Estate just off Boston’s London Road at the same
            time as Ruth and I moved into our new home, diagonally
            opposite, in the same cul de sac.
            As I have mentioned already, Peter was the Charge Nurse
            (Sister in Charge) of the Orthopaedic Ward at the London Road
            Hospital. Margaret was a Nursing Sister on one of the other
            surgical wards.
            Ruth was a Staff Nurse working with Peter until she was
            appointed Relief Sister.

                 Largely because of varying nursing off duty rotas, Peter was
            frequently off duty when Ruth was working so we had time to
            hatch various plots and plan sailing excursions together.
            It was Peter who was the first to become involved with my
            Classic MG buying exploits.  Before that he had been
            instrumental in providing all the help and transport to enable a
            quick, 24 hour engine change for my Rover saloon while
            engaged on my initial Firestone Induction and Sales Course in
            London. Without his aid, I would have been well and truly
                 Back at the world of work Peter was also an exceptional
            Nurse and when plans were announced to build a new General
            Hospital at Boston, Peter managed to persuade the local

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