Page 56 - AMS Driver Training Manual Version 2 2024
P. 56

A V O N   M A T E R I A L   S U P P L I E S   L T D   ( A M S   L T D )               D R I V E R   T R A I N I N G   M A N U A L                V E R S I O N 2

            Be careful not to mix up the Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) with the Gross Train
            Weight (GTW). The GVW is the maximum permitted weight of the vehicle (plus any load
            it is carrying), while the GTW is the maximum permitted weight of the vehicle plus any
            trailer being towed.


            Our Skips and Roll On/Off containers are clearly marked that they must be level loaded only.
            If the container is excessively overloaded and you consider it would be too dangerous to be
            safely  transported  along  the  highway,  please  notify  the  Transport  Controller  and  the
            customer will be contacted to remove the required waste so it will be safe to collect.

            You do not transport containers along the highway that are overloaded to an extent
            that you cannot secure the waste safely. A guide is no more than 6 inches over the
            top of the bin.

            Roll on off containers are hired to customers on the basis that they are filled with bulky
            lightweight materials. Unfortunately, this is not always communicated well across the site by
            the hirer and the containers are sometimes filled with incorrect heavy  material. Extreme
            caution must be taken when lifting large Roll On/Off containers. If you are unsure of the
            contents of the container, ask on site for confirmation of the type of material that has been
            loaded into it enabling you to assess the weight.

            Roll on off drivers should be aware that, if a Roll On/Off container is loaded in excess of its
            permitted weight, it will be inclined to make the vehicle top heavy and affect its handling

                    All overloaded containers must be reported to your manager

                      You will then be advised on the action to be taken.

            9.24.3 Weigh loaders

            Our Skips, Tipper/Grab and Roll On/Off Fleet
            Vehicles are all fitted with Weigh loaders that
            you can use as a guide to the weight of your
            vehicle.  Please  periodically  check  their
            calibration  against  the  onsite  weighbridge. If
            there is a discrepancy that cannot be adjusted
            please speak to the transport manager who will arrange for a service call to be carried out.

            Local available Weighbridges
            You can check your vehicle weight at any one of our sites or any public weighbridge in your
            operating area.

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