Page 60 - AMS Driver Training Manual Version 2 2024
P. 60

A V O N   M A T E R I A L   S U P P L I E S   L T D   ( A M S   L T D )               D R I V E R   T R A I N I N G   M A N U A L                V E R S I O N 2
            9.25.3 Using the auto sheet systems
            Drivers are reminded that they should not sheet or un-sheet when the vehicle is moving.

                                                          The  only exception to this  rule  is  when  working
                                                          within a road planing team. It is then advised to
                                                          partially raise the sheet to prevent material from
                                                          spilling  over  the  cab.  Care  should  be  taken  to
                                                          ensure that all overhead obstructions are identified
                                                          before raising the sheet. Always follow instructions
                                                          from the ground crew who may have seen things
                                                          that you have not.

            Loads  will  be sheeted  at all  times  before  leaving  the  weighbridge  and joining the

            9.25.4 Tailboards
            Drivers with Automatic and Manual Tailboards must check they are correctly closed after tipping
            and before loading or joining the highway.

            It is AMS Ltd policy that all drivers must check their vehicle loads are correctly trimmed for the
            road before joining the highway. Failure to do so could lead to disciplinary action and or a fine
            for an unsecure load. So please check.

                    Manual tailboards can have pressure against them so be
                   prepared and stand to the side keeping arms, hands and
                   heads away as you undo the securing clips.

                    Keep  fingers  and  thumbs  well  clear  of  back  doors  and
                   tailgates when opening
                    Report  all  defects  with  the  tailgate,  operation  of  the
                   retaining devices or chutes
                    Please get out of the cab and check/clean the rear of your lorry before joining the highway.
                   This includes Automatic Tailgates.
                    Your lorry, only you open/close or operate the tailgate please.

                   Hired vehicles onto the fleet

            Please be aware that on some occasions we may need to hire a vehicle onto the fleet and
            these vehicles are not always fitted with the same equipment as our standard vehicles. You
            should be given a vehicle handover by the hire company to ensure that you are competent
            to operate the vehicle. However, some safety systems such as radar brakes may not be
            fitted to the hire vehicle so you will need to maintain extra vigilance when using this hired

            All other standard requirements such as daily defect checks and wheel torque checks must
            still be completed.

                                                   Page 59 of 197
                                               Reviewed May 2024
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