Page 62 - AMS Driver Training Manual Version 2 2024
P. 62

A V O N   M A T E R I A L   S U P P L I E S   L T D   ( A M S   L T D )               D R I V E R   T R A I N I N G   M A N U A L                V E R S I O N 2
                   Access and egress
            Slips, Trips and Falls are the most common workplace accident in the UK as we often get in and
            out of our vehicles without thinking. There is nothing more humiliating or painful than falling on
            your backside.

            Let’s avoid those embarrassing ‘has anyone seen me moments’ so please read on….

                    Align upper and lower parts of your body to ensure access and egress routes are easily
                   negotiated, preventing the need to stretch to maintain 3 points of contact or making easy
                   contact with footholds or step irons.
                    NEVER jump from vehicles or equipment as there is a greater risk of sustaining an injury.
                    If in doubt, check the manufacturers handbook to confirm arrangements for safe access
                   and egress.
                    During access and egress, always face the equipment and maintain 3
                   points of contact.
                    If the design of the equipment does not allow for 3 points of contact to
                   be maintained, please confirm this with your manager immediately to
                   enable corrective action to be taken.
                    Inspect  access  and  egress  equipment  daily  before  use  and  during  formal  daily
                    Report  all  defects  associated  with  access  and  egress  equipment  immediately  and
                   arrange repair. DO NOT use damaged equipment.
                    Check and keep steps, footholds free of contamination i.e. grease, mud etc to remove
                   the risk of a slip, trip or fall, ‘dig out’ material at the beginning of each shift where there is
                   a risk of obstructing material affecting access equipment.
                    If using equipment at night, ensure adequate background lighting exists to facilitate safe
                   use of equipment provided.
                    Be extra cautious during winter months and at night where falling temperatures affect
                   access points increasing the risk of slips.
                    Only footwear provided or approved by AMS Ltd and in good condition providing the
                   necessary grip and free of contamination i.e. grease / mud etc should be worn.

                   Entering vehicle body to clean out
            Do not enter the vehicle body until the following conditions have been met:

                    Rule out all other options first
                    Do not enter the vehicle body when off site without first calling your Operations Manager
                   who will call the site on your behalf to arrange and agree a safe working area and how to
                   proceed to maintain your safety.
                    When on site seek permission from site management so that somebody in authority
                   knows where you are and can maintain your safety.
                    Remove keys from the vehicle so that nothing can move without your knowledge.
                    Ensure the body cannot be loaded whilst you are cleaning out
                    Ensure the tipper body is fully lowered when gaining access
                    If the tailboard is raised ensure that a suitable prop is used to prevent it from closing.
                    Use manual handling techniques to reduce risk of injury
                    Clean up your mess
                    Remove tools from the body safely and ensure they are safe to use.

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                                               Reviewed May 2024
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