Page 64 - AMS Driver Training Manual Version 2 2024
P. 64

A V O N   M A T E R I A L   S U P P L I E S   L T D   ( A M S   L T D )               D R I V E R   T R A I N I N G   M A N U A L                V E R S I O N 2
                            Plant potential blind spot examples.

            Approach the machine where possible from the side of the operator’s cab and make eye
            contact before being invited by the operator into his working area.

            Before entering the machine working area the operator should power down their machine

                            Plant Interface Zones

                1)  Yellow Zone

                    All personnel involved with the plant operation must remain within this zone to maintain
                    visual contact with the plant operator.

                2)  Amber Zone

                    Entry  prohibited until  positive  visual  contact  is  made  with the plant  operator  and  the
                    machine is immobilised.

                3)  Red Zone

                    Entry prohibited unless the machine is completely isolated with the machine immobilised
                    and the engine switched off.

                4)  Hatched Zones

                    Denotes typical sight lines of the plant operator

                   360 Excavator blind spots

                                                   Page 63 of 197
                                               Reviewed May 2024
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