Page 68 - AMS Driver Training Manual Version 2 2024
P. 68

A V O N   M A T E R I A L   S U P P L I E S   L T D   ( A M S   L T D )               D R I V E R   T R A I N I N G   M A N U A L                V E R S I O N 2
                   Bridge strike and overhanging trees

                  Drivers of LGV’s must always be aware
                  of their vehicle height to avoid collision
                  with  bridges  and  any  overhanging
                  obstruction.  Particular  attention  should
                  be paid to overhanging trees particularly
                  on  narrow  roads.  Caution  should  be
                  observed  by  drivers  of  extending  arm
                  skip  loaders  and  grab  lorries  as  the
                  height  of  their  vehicle  can  vary
                  depending  on  the  position  of  their
                  attachment.  Collision  with  a  bridge  will
                  inevitably cause severe vehicle damage
                  and likely personal injury.

            9.39.1 Skip vehicles

                  Drivers need to ensure that when lowering or raising the loader arms that they will
                  not hit any overhead cables. They must also be aware of cables that may be obscured
                  by trees or bushes.

            9.39.2 RO-RO vehicles

                  Drivers must ensure that when lowering or raising a container onto the vehicle that
                  the front end of the container will be higher than the travelling height and should
                  therefore check for overhead cables. Also, be aware during the sheeting process.

            9.39.3 Tipper vehicles

                  Drivers must ensure that when lowering or raising the body the front end of the body
                  will  be  higher  than  the  travelling  height  and  should  therefore  check  for  overhead
                  cables. Also be aware during the sheeting process.

            9.39.4 Grab / Tipper vehicles

                  When operating the Grab-loader the driver must ensure there are no overhead cables
                  within reach of the boom or the bucket. Please also consider the crane arm when
                  tipping. The Driver must also ensure that when lowering or raising the body the front
                  end of the body will be higher than the travelling height and should therefore check
                  for overhead cables.

                   Please  consider  your  mirrors  when  travelling  on  country  roads  as  they  are
                   expensive  to  replace.  Please  slow  down  when  passing  oncoming  vehicles  to
                   ensure that the vehicle is not damaged.

                                                   Page 67 of 197
                                               Reviewed May 2024
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