Page 70 - AMS Driver Training Manual Version 2 2024
P. 70

A V O N   M A T E R I A L   S U P P L I E S   L T D   ( A M S   L T D )               D R I V E R   T R A I N I N G   M A N U A L                V E R S I O N 2
                   Vehicle recording cameras.
            The VDR HD system being used by AMS Ltd currently have up to four cameras on the
            vehicle  comprising  of:  forward  facing  camera;  nearside  and  offside  cameras  and  rear

            In addition to mirrors and side scan the driver also has an internal monitor, giving a rear view
            providing  additional  information  and  further  reducing  a  common  vehicle  blind  spot
            associated with larger vehicles.

            Each camera is automatically activated and displays on the internal monitor when the driver
            uses reverse gear. This vital visual aid helps the driver ensure the way is clear before a
            manoeuvre is performed, reducing the risk of collisions with pedestrians and cyclists.

            The  footage  from  the  system  records  continuously  all  the  camera  views,  G  force,  GPS
            location  and  selected  vehicle  control  inputs  onto  a  secure  VDR  HD  recorder.  This
            information can then be downloaded to provide driving behavioural observation and driver
            coaching  and  training,  in  addition  to  post
            incident reconstruction.

            You are asked not to touch or tamper with
            the cameras, if you wish to view the footage
            or make alterations to the camera you are
            asked to speak to the Transport Manager
            or  a  company  Director.  Failure  to  do  so
            could lead to disciplinary action being taken
            against you.

                   Reasons for the use of CCTV and surveillance systems

              1.1.   We currently use  CCTV and surveillance systems  around  our site  and on and
                     around  vehicles as outlined  below.  We  believe  that  such use  is necessary for
                     legitimate business purposes, including:

                     1.1.1.    to  prevent  crime  and  protect  buildings  and  assets  from  damage,
                               disruption, vandalism and other crime;
                     1.1.2.    for the personal safety of staff, visitors and other members of the
                               public and to act as a deterrent against crime;
                     1.1.3.    to  support  law  enforcement  bodies  in  the  prevention,  detection  and
                               prosecution of crime;
                     1.1.4.    to  assist  in  day-to-day  management,  including  performance
                               management, and ensuring the health and safety of staff and others;
                     1.1.5.    to assist in the effective resolution of disputes which arise in the
                               course  of  disciplinary  or  grievance  proceedings;  to  assist  in  the
                               defence  of  any  civil  litigation,  including  employment  tribunal

                     This list is not exhaustive and other purposes may be or become relevant.

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                                               Reviewed May 2024
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