Page 75 - AMS Driver Training Manual Version 2 2024
P. 75

A V O N   M A T E R I A L   S U P P L I E S   L T D   ( A M S   L T D )               D R I V E R   T R A I N I N G   M A N U A L                V E R S I O N 2
                   5.    Before starting the unloading process, check that the load is evenly distributed
                         across the body, and from front to rear to prevent sideways tip, and unnecessary
                         overloading of tipping gear.
                   6.    Be aware of any load that may not flow easily during the tipping process.
                   7.    Make sure that the vehicle is parked on firm level ground.
                   8.    Before beginning to tip, check for any overhead cables or other obstructions,
                         (within a 20-metre radius, this is known as the tipping area) do not tip if the
                         tipping area is obstructed.
                   9.    Never agree to tip in high winds or other weather conditions that you consider

            If however, there are any concerns with regards to access or operating a safe tipping
            process, these concerns should be reported to the site responsible person and also
            to your Manager, do not take risks.

                    Delivery / Tipping Procedure

                   1.    Release rear tailgate or doors before engaging the PTO.
                   2.    Engage PTO and start to tip vehicle body.
                   3.    There is no need to rev the engine excessively while tipping.
                   4.    If the load has not started to flow/discharge when the tipping angle exceeds
                         expectation,  stop  the  tipping  process  lower  the  body  and  investigate  the
                   5.    If the cause of the sticking load is found and can be rectified safely, resume the
                         tipping /discharge procedure.
                   6.    If not, seek guidance from the site responsible person, and your  Operations
                   7.    If  there  is a  requirement  to  access  the  top  of  the  load,  guidance  should  be
                         obtained from the site responsible person, follow guidance on safe working at
                   8.    Once the tipping process is resumed, follow the same procedure, checking that
                         the load is flowing / discharging.
                   9.    During the tipping / discharge process, always be aware of the possibility of the
                         vehicle toppling sideways. If at any time there are signs of possible sideways
                         toppling, the process should be stopped immediately and the body lowered.
                   10.  Investigate and report to a site responsible person and to your Transport
                   11.  If any vehicles or pedestrians enter the tipping area, (within 10 meters) you must
                         immediately stop tipping and sound vehicle horn to warn of potential danger, do
                         not continue to tip until the tipping area is clear. If the vehicle or pedestrian do
                         not leave the tipping area, immediately lower the body and do not continue to
                         tip until the area is clear.
                   12.  Once the vehicle body is fully raised, the PTO should be disengaged.

                                                   Page 74 of 197
                                               Reviewed May 2024
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