Page 76 - AMS Driver Training Manual Version 2 2024
P. 76
A V O N M A T E R I A L S U P P L I E S L T D ( A M S L T D ) D R I V E R T R A I N I N G M A N U A L V E R S I O N 2
13. Ensure that the load is fully discharged, move the vehicle no more than 4 meters
forward before lowering the body completely and securing rear tailgate / doors.
NEVER drive away from the tipping area with the body raised.
14. Ensure you wear / use appropriate PPE at all times
15. Report to site responsible person.
Supplementary Instructions
NEVER tip a vehicle if in any doubt.
NEVER discharge a load if in any doubt.
NEVER walk behind or to the side of a vehicle when tipping.
NEVER leave the vehicle unattended during the unloading process.
NEVER attempt to clear any obstructions without lowering the vehicle body.
NEVER reverse the vehicle without ensuring that it is safe to do so, and use a
Banksman or trained operative wherever possible, ensuring that reversing lights,
reversing alarm, camera and beacons are used.
NEVER enter the vehicle body whilst it is being loaded / discharged or if it is raised.
AVOID moving any vehicle with its body raised unless it is unavoidable. If you do
have to move forward during tipping always keep full control of the vehicle at all
times, gently braking and ensuring that the vehicle remains level.
If in exceptional circumstances you have to walk to the rear of the vehicle with the
body raised you should ALWAYS take as wide a berth as possible (more than 20
meters) when walking back from the cab to the rear of a raised body.
NEVER walk alongside a raised body in any confined area.
If the vehicle begins to topple over brace yourself against the back of the driver’s
seat and hold firmly to the steering wheel. NEVER attempt to jump out of a vehicle
that is toppling over – you could be crushed.
NEVER use a 2-way radio or mobile phone whilst tipping
NEVER work / reach or stand under a raised body without suitable body props
being used.
ALWAYS use beacons and hazard warning lights on all sites.
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Reviewed May 2024