Page 81 - AMS Driver Training Manual Version 2 2024
P. 81
A V O N M A T E R I A L S U P P L I E S L T D ( A M S L T D ) D R I V E R T R A I N I N G M A N U A L V E R S I O N 2
Stuck on site
If whilst operating on a customer site you become stuck,
or otherwise unable to move your vehicle due to fault or
breakdown, before allowing any form of vehicle towing,
you MUST contact your Operations Manager to seek
permission and advice.
Moving a vehicle incorrectly can cause extensive damage,
and it is AMS Policy that all vehicles should be correctly
towed FORWARDS ONLY using the vehicles designed
towing eye/pin.
If this is not possible, advice will be given for your specific vehcile make, model and situation.
We can also decide whether or not professional recovery is necessary/prudent.
Under no circumstances will you permit a third party to push or pull your vehicle by
the tailbaord, or any other part of your vehicle not so designed, without expressed
It is understood that in poor weather and ground conditions some customer sites with
experienced plant operators may offer their assistance in recovering your stuck vehicle.
Cleaning my lorry using a pressure washer or steam cleaner
Hot water and steam are often used to clean vehicles,
plant and equipment. A variety of dangers are
associated with hot water or steam and pressure
cleaning. However, all of these should be considered in
order to avoid personal injury.
Main points:
Burns — Water temperatures around 80ºC will clean most effectively for most jobs..
Unfortunately, water can scald a person at temperatures as low as 48 ºC. To avoid
increasing your risk of injury in the case of a mishap, set your water temperature only as
high as necessary to accomplish the job. Many cleaning tasks can be successful with
temperatures less than 48º C. At this level you probably do not need to wear personal
protective equipment, except to keep yourself dry and protect your face and eyes. When
working with soot, light oils, grease, and sticky surfaces, water temperatures between
48ºC and 150º C may be required. In these cases, you should wear a face shield, rubber
gloves and boots, plus an apron long enough to cover the tops of the boots. Additionally,
you should wear your boots inside your pant legs, so that hot water cannot flow into your
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Reviewed May 2024