Page 86 - AMS Driver Training Manual Version 2 2024
P. 86

A V O N   M A T E R I A L   S U P P L I E S   L T D   ( A M S   L T D )               D R I V E R   T R A I N I N G   M A N U A L                V E R S I O N 2
                •  You dress appropriately in Company work wear and be courteous and helpful.
                •  Customer’s complaints must be reported to your line manager.
                •  All vehicles are to be kept clean and tidy at all times.
                •  Cleaning equipment and chemicals are available at the depot to enable you to keep
                    your vehicle and trailer clean.
                •  You must report any accidents, dangerous occurrences, near misses, or problems
                    affecting  your  ability to  give  the  customer the expected  service,  to  your  Manager
                    immediately by telephone or in person at the transport office on your return to base.
                •  ISO 9001 has been awarded in March 2024 and the company will continue to ensure
                    we remain committed to high quality customer service.

            You are the Company’s ambassador. Treat every customer as you would expect to
            be treated yourself. Customers make pay days possible.

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                                               Reviewed May 2024
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