Page 87 - AMS Driver Training Manual Version 2 2024
P. 87

A V O N   M A T E R I A L   S U P P L I E S   L T D   ( A M S   L T D )               D R I V E R   T R A I N I N G   M A N U A L                V E R S I O N 2
                   AMS Ltd Quality, feedback and complaints procedure


            The company will take all quality complaints and feedback seriously. It is the company’s aim to
            identify the causes of common complaints and act upon them to prevent a reoccurrence and
            increase customer satisfaction with our products and services.

            The Company Complaints procedure is not aimed at pointing fingers, but instead to resolve
            issues and learn from them in a positive manner.

            It is the view of the company that it is equally important to communicate and learn from positive
            feedback, as from the negative.

            1.      Identifying sources of Complaints

            Complaints can stem from many different stakeholder groups, as follows:

            ✓       Customers
            ✓       Suppliers
            ✓       Employees
            ✓       General Public
            ✓       External bodies (i.e. Environment Agency (EA), Health and Safety Executive (HSE),
                    Police, etc)

            2.      Identifying reasons for complaints

            Complaints can stem from many different causes, examples as follows:

            ✓        Poor customer service
            ✓        Quality issues
            ✓        Poor quality products or services
            ✓        Customer dissatisfaction
            ✓        Environmental issues
            ✓        Excessive emissions beyond site boundaries (i.e. Noise, smell, dust, etc)
            ✓        As a result of damage or accident
            ✓        Unreasonable behaviour

            3.      Customer Satisfaction

            It is important to the company to provide a good level of customer satisfaction in the manner we
            operate our business activities.

            Where a trend can be identified in either complaints or points of merit from positive feedback
            these will be communicated to upper level management.

            Continuous Improvement

            It is the aim of Avon Material Supplies Ltd. to continually improve its business activities in all
            areas from environmental performance, health & safety performance, sales performance, etc as
            well as our performance in customer service.

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