Page 88 - AMS Driver Training Manual Version 2 2024
P. 88

A V O N   M A T E R I A L   S U P P L I E S   L T D   ( A M S   L T D )               D R I V E R   T R A I N I N G   M A N U A L                V E R S I O N 2

            Established Complaints Procedure

            1.      Raise a complaint to a / your Line Manager. We perceive that most complaints can be
                    resolved  in  the  first  instance  swiftly  and  easily,  with  no  requirement  to  take  matters

            2.      If you are not satisfied with the findings of your initial complaint, you may write to the
                    Director.  Give the reasons why you are dissatisfied with the initial outcome and that you
                    wish to pursue the matter further.

            3.      Upon receipt of the written response, the Director shall review the original complaint and
                    its findings and make a considered decision.

            4.      Once it has been reviewed by the Director, you will be informed of the outcome.

            5.      If dissatisfied with the outcome of the Directors review, you may write to the Managing
                    Director, repeating steps 2 - 4.

            6.      If dissatisfied with the outcome of the Director’s review, you may write to the Board of
                    Directors, repeating steps 2 - 4.

            7.      The Board of Directors shall consider all facts and make its final judgement. The decision
                    of the Board of Directors is final.

            We will try and resolve all complaints in the first instance and ensure that any mistakes are not

            We may keep complaints, comments and suggestions on file so that we can use your feedback
            to monitor and evaluate our service and identify any changes or improvements that need to be

            Mr. James Howarth Managing Director has overall responsibility for this policy and will ensure
            that the policy is properly implemented, monitored and periodically reviewed, in accordance with
            the relevant statutory provisions.

            James Howarth

            Managing Director

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                                               Reviewed May 2024
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