Page 84 - AMS Driver Training Manual Version 2 2024
P. 84

A V O N   M A T E R I A L   S U P P L I E S   L T D   ( A M S   L T D )               D R I V E R   T R A I N I N G   M A N U A L                V E R S I O N 2
                   Vehicle, plant and equipment lock off procedures

            Before attempting any minor maintenance that you have been instructed to carry out it is
            essential that measures have been taken to prevent the vehicle you are working on from
            starting and or operating. This could be adjusting your reversing camera or blowing up a
            tyre for example.

                                  Remove Keys

                     This can only be done by isolating the equipment at its power source.

               For all vehicles and mobile plant this will be the ignition. However, if additional
                 isolation is provided such as battery isolators etc these should also be used
                          and where possible use a multi hasp and personal padlock.


                 Do not work on any vehicle or mobile plant unless:

                 You have securely isolated the vehicle or mobile plant by removing the ignition key and placing

                 it in your pocket and have used a multi hasp and padlock on the isolator if possible.

                 You have checked that the vehicle or mobile plant has been isolated before commencing works

                 and you are using the correct PPE/RPE
                 Any stored energy (Hydraulic, electrical, pneumatic) has been safely released before work starts

                 Equipment that could move or you could come into contact with has also been secured

                 If checking or working under a raised body, ensure that a body prop is always used.

                                                   Page 83 of 197
                                               Reviewed May 2024
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