Page 71 - AMS Driver Training Manual Version 2 2024
P. 71

A V O N   M A T E R I A L   S U P P L I E S   L T D   ( A M S   L T D )               D R I V E R   T R A I N I N G   M A N U A L                V E R S I O N 2
                   CCTV monitoring

              1.2.   CCTV monitors the exterior and interior working areas of company buildings 24
                     hours a day and this data is continuously recorded.
              1.3.   Camera locations are chosen to minimise viewing of spaces not relevant to the
                     legitimate  purpose  of  the  monitoring.  As  far  as  practically  possible,  CCTV
                     cameras  will  not  focus  on  private  homes,  gardens  or  other  areas  of  private
              1.4.   Surveillance systems currently do not record sound.
              1.5.   Images  are  monitored  by  authorised  personnel  mainly  during  working
                     hours or when an alarm is activated.
              1.6.   Staff using surveillance systems will be given appropriate training to ensure they
                     understand  and  observe  the  legal  requirements  related  to  the  processing  of
                     relevant data.

                   How we will operate any CCTV

              1.7.   Where CCTV cameras are placed in the  workplace, we will ensure  that
                     signs  are  displayed  at  the  entrance  of  the  surveillance  zone  to  alert
                     individuals that their image may be recorded.
              1.8.   We will ensure that live feeds from cameras and recorded images are only viewed
                     by approved members of staff whose role requires them to have access to such
                     data, including assisting in operations, to determine unattended areas or releasing
                     vehicles from the weighbridge to the operational area. This may also include HR
                     staff or approved consultants involved with performance, disciplinary or grievance
                                  The AMS Ltd CCTV policy is available on request from your manager

                   Mobile phones, handheld devices and portable equipment (Sat Nav’s, Tablet, etc)

                                   The company has a strict policy with  regards to the use of hand-held
                                   mobile phones, handheld devices and any portable electronics equipment
                                   whilst driving company vehicles or operating any item of machinery or

                                   All Drivers are provided with a tablet that fits into a hard wired cradle
                                   and company cars are all fitted with Bluetooth Kits.

                                   If this equipment is faulty, please report to your Manager immediately
                                   who will organise a replacement.

             To ensure maximum safety it is company policy to stop the vehicle where it is safe
                   to do so before making or receiving calls or using any handheld device.

            The Law

            It’s illegal to hold and use a phone, sat nav, tablet, or any device that can send or receive
            data, while driving.

                                                   Page 70 of 197
                                               Reviewed May 2024
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