Page 10 - HIL Operatives Training Manual V4 16022024_Neat
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O P E R A T I V E S T R A I N I N G M A N U A L V E R S I O N 4
• The Managing Director and Works Manager (Programs, Health & Safety) are
responsible for meeting the requirements of statutory SHEF legislation by the
introduction of such arrangements as are appropriate for effective risk assessment,
planning, organisation, control, monitoring and review of preventive and protective
• The Contracts Manager, Managers, Engineers and Foremen are to ensure that work
activities are adequately assessed, prepare safe systems of work as necessary and
include these in the safety instructions. The safe systems of work are to include details
of the organisation and arrangements to safeguard employees engaged on specific
tasks, and/or provision of services. It should also include the necessary instruction,
information and training requirements to enable the job to be undertaken in a safe
• Special care must be taken when young or inexperienced persons or new or expectant
mothers are involved in the activity.
1.7 Safe Systems of Work
• The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, require 'adequate
information and instruction' to be provided to all Employees. This can be achieved by
clearly stating the 'planned sequence of work' in the safety method statement.
• The Safety Method Statement is documented instructions, where the work has a
greater than acceptable risk to person or property and is available on Site, in clear,
unambiguous language. They also provide a reference source available throughout the
• Selection, completion, and issue of appropriate Safety Method Statements shall be the
responsibility of the Managing Director and or Works Manager (Programs, Health &
• Safety Method Statements shall be completed in the company format, clearly indicating
how the works are to be safely managed.
• All persons working for the Company on site are to be made aware of any contract
Safety Method Statement at the Site Safety Induction, before commencing work.
• Corresponding Risk Assessment(s) MUST accompany Method Statements.
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