Page 12 - HIL Operatives Training Manual V4 16022024_Neat
P. 12
O P E R A T I V E S T R A I N I N G M A N U A L V E R S I O N 4
If special circumstances arise which require the drinking of alcoholic beverages on or off the
premises during working hours, employees should discuss this with the Managing Director.
Employees who entertain or are entertained by clients should ensure that they only drink in
moderation, i.e. the level of alcohol in their blood must not exceed the Company’s maximum
permitted limit and their drinking conduct must not bring the Company into disrepute at any
Disciplinary Action
Any breach of this policy will result in disciplinary action in accordance with the Company
Disciplinary Procedures. Instances of repeated or Gross Misconduct may result in Dismissal.
Do not work or drive while you are under the influence of any alcohol or drugs. Listed below
are drugs that are generally accepted as being banned substances. If you are taking any of
these drugs you should not be driving (Check with your GP before driving):-
• Amphetamines
• Methylamphetamines
Be aware that these drugs and alcohol can
• Benzodiazapine stay in your body for up to 72 hours
• Methaqualone
Random testing is also carried out and
• Barbiturates could lead to disciplinary procedures
• Propoxyphane being followed if a positive test is
• Phencyclidine
• Cannabis
• Cocaine
• Morphine/Codeine
You must also be aware of the morning-after effects associated with alcohol or drug consumption.
You have a responsibility to inform your manager if you are unfit to drive for the stated reasons.
Driving on company business while under the influence of alcohol or drugs will lead to
disciplinary action.
Please also refer to the Health and Safety Policy for further clarification.
1.9 Reporting When you are Sick
If you cannot attend work because you are sick or injured you should telephone your manager
as early as possible and no later than 30 minutes after the time when you are normally
expected to start work. On return to work you will more than likely be asked to attend a back
to work interview. This may be to ensure that you are fit to return to work, notify you of any
changes that have occurred whilst you have been off sick or to confirm that you have submitted
the necessary certificates.
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