Page 133 - HIL Operatives Training Manual V4 16022024_Neat
P. 133
O P E R A T I V E S T R A I N I N G M A N U A L V E R S I O N 4
29 Storage General
• The amount of any substance or materials kept on site as stock should be as low as
possible and consistent with usage and order lead times. Holdings should be regularly
reviewed and redundant stock disposed of in a safe manner.
• Storage of bulk materials should be in the specified and designated areas. Adequate
racking for the storage of metal stock, wood and other such materials should be
provided where the ends do not protrude from the rack.
• The storage of steel and other bulky materials must be restricted to heights which are
safe and limit the potential for collapse or unintentional overturning.
• All storage racking must be suitable for purpose and properly secure. Any racking over
2 metres must be fixed to the wall or otherwise secured to a stable structure capable
of support the load. Items are to be stored within easy reach and heavy or bulky objects
should be on the lower racking.
• All racking must be inspected at least 6 monthly by a competent person, a record kept
of any damage and repairs actioned. A label with the inspection date should be affixed
to the racking along with weight limit signs.
• Combustible or conductive items must not be stored closer than 500 mm to light fittings.
• Climbing on racking is prohibited and suitable ladders or steps must be provided for
this purpose.
29.1 Compressed Gas Use and Storage
• Compressed gases are to be stored by type in
the areas designated. All acetylene cylinders,
full or empty, are to be stored in a secured
upright position. If acetylene cylinders have
been transported horizontally they must be left
standing upright for 12 hours before use.
Exceptionally, oxygen and argon cylinders may
be stored in a horizontal position if necessitated
by space restrictions, but extra care must be
taken to protect the valves from accidental damage. All empty cylinders are to be
identified by the word ‘EMPTY’. All cylinders are to be capped and valves closed.
• Compressed gas cylinders will be stored when not in use in a secure, well ventilated
area specifically prepared for such a purpose away from sources of heat and sources
of ignition. The area will be marked as a "No Smoking" zone.
• Proper storage arrangements should be provided to prevent the cylinders from falling
and to keep them in an upright position. Always transport cylinders using a cylinder
• Used cylinders will be marked or tagged 'empty' and be returned to the storage area.
'Empty' cylinders will be segregated from full cylinders.
• Cylinders of oxygen should not be stored next to cylinders containing flammable or
reactive gases.
• All regulators and pressure gauges used must be specifically suitable for the pressures
required and the gases being used. Do not interchange left-hand threaded pressure
regulators between gas cylinders.
• Cylinders should be used in an upright position and must be secured against
accidentally being knocked over.
• Oxygen cylinder valves, regulators, gauges and fittings must be kept free of oils and
grease. PFTE tape must not be used on any cylinder valves or regulators.
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