Page 141 - HIL Operatives Training Manual V4 16022024_Neat
P. 141
O P E R A T I V E S T R A I N I N G M A N U A L V E R S I O N 4
34 Site Safety Instructions
The Managing Director, Managers, Project Engineers and Foremen shall ensure that
work activities are adequately assessed to identify hazards to health and safety, that
site safety instructions are prepared and available on site.
The instructions should include,
✓ Identification of personnel with SHEF responsibilities, listing works address, telephone
number etc. There must be a clear chain of command, so that all personnel are aware
of whom to contact in normal and emergency situations.
✓ The method by which emergency assistance may be obtained, including the
identification of qualified first aiders (where appropriate).
✓ Any accidents, incidents or ill health at work must be reported to your manager and the
site agent or manager before leaving site.
✓ A detailed list of the activities that pose a SHEF risk, Including general risk
assessments, COSHH, PPE, electricity at work, manual handling, personal protective
equipment, workplace work equipment and any other relevant assessments and safe
systems of work, details of where the risk assessments and safe systems of work are
kept must be included.
✓ Accident and Dangerous Occurrence reporting procedures.
34.1 Access And Egress
Access and egress routes are to be kept clear of obstructions, slipping and tripping hazards,
and structurally maintained in good condition. So far as is reasonably practicable, all stairways
used during hours of darkness should be illuminated.
Where slipping hazards are created by spillage etc, clearance action is to be taken with the
minimum of delay. Stocks of absorbent material are to be readily available where spillage etc
can be anticipated. Where necessary, temporary barriers and warning notices are to be
erected to prevent persons straying into the affected area.
Temporary barriers are to be used when cover plates are removed from walkways or roadways
and the obstruction must be illuminated during hours of darkness.
No person should venture onto fragile roof covering or temporary surfaces, without suitable
safety precautions. Crawling boards, roof ladders and safety barriers etc must be used, and
sufficient equipment must be on site to enable the work to progress safely.
Foremen, Managers, Engineers responsible for work sites are to ensure that there is sufficient
assessment of the risks to health and safety associated with access and egress, and that
suitable precautions are taken to prevent accidents.
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