Page 142 - HIL Operatives Training Manual V4 16022024_Neat
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O P E R A T I V E S   T R A I N I N G   M A N U A L                           V E R S I O N   4

               35 Working Alone in Safety
               For persons working alone, it is important to provide a safe method of work related to the task,
               environment and the experience and competence of the employee.

               The Managing Director, Managers, Project Engineers or Foreman must ensure that a sufficient
               risk  assessment  is  carried  out  for  lone  workers,  used  to  devise  preventive  and  protective
               measures as part of a safe system of work and included in safety instructions. Assessment
               must consider any special risk to the lone worker and access, egress, remoteness, isolation,
               environmental  conditions,  communications,  vulnerability  to  criminal  intent,  emergency
               procedures, supervision, information, training and medical fitness. Work equipment must be
               safe and capable of being safely operated by a single person.

               The Managing Director, Managers, Project Engineers or Foreman of lone workers are to check
               legal  requirements  and  codes  of  practice  etc,  before  preparing  safe  systems  of  work  or
               authorising persons to work alone.

               Training and Supervision.

                   ✓  Training is particularly important for the lone worker and may be critical to avoid panic
                      reactions in emergencies. They must understand the risks involved, the precautions
                      necessary and be sufficiently trained and experienced to be able to work safely.
                   ✓  Management  must  provide  adequate  supervision  relevant  to  the  risk  and  the
                      proficiency and experience of the lone worker. Employees new to the job, undergoing
                      training, on a task with special risks or dealing with new situations, may need to be
                      accompanied at first.

               Emergency Situations.
               Lone workers should be capable of responding correctly to emergency situations. Emergency
               procedures should be established and personnel trained to implement them. Adequate First
               Aid facilities must be readily available at all times. Personnel must be aware of when to stop
               work and seek the advice of Managers. Emergency procedures must be regularly practiced
               and records of these practices maintained.

               Monitoring the Lone Worker. The condition of the lone worker should be monitored with at least
               a check at the end of the working period. Also desirable are:

                   ✓  Regular visits by site supervisors and/or regular contact by radio or telephone.
                   ✓  Automatic warning devices, operating if signals are not received from the lone worker
                      and other devices to raise the alarm in an emergency. These may operate manually or
                      in the absence of movement of the lone worker.

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