Page 22 - HIL Operatives Training Manual V4 16022024_Neat
P. 22

O P E R A T I V E S   T R A I N I N G   M A N U A L                           V E R S I O N   4

               1.20  Smoking
                            It is against the Law to smoke in any company vehicle or building under the Smoke Free
                            Regulations 2006. All vehicles including plant must display a no smoking symbol in the cab
                            under the regulations, and if it is missing you must report this to your manager and report it
                            on your daily vehicle check sheet.

               Any  employee found smoking  in  their  vehicle, or  company  building  by the  Police  or  Local
               Authority may incur a fixed on the spot penalty, and as a result could also incur a fine to the

               Smoking will only be permitted in designated areas at Harrison Industrial and it must be 10m
               from  areas  where  combustible  materials  are  stored.  There  will  be  suitable  receptacles  for
               extinguishing cigarettes provided i.e. sand bin, wall mounted ash tray etc.  Please ask where
               they are and use them.

               2  Personal Hygiene

               To reduce the risk of dermatitis, oil acne or skin cancer, unnecessary skin contact
               with oils and chemicals must be avoided.  Clothing contaminated with chemicals,
               flammable liquids or oil must be changed immediately.  Oil soaked cloths must
               not be placed into the pocket of coveralls as this can cause cancer of the scrotum.

                   •  Where  necessary  (see  COSHH  Assessment)  barrier  cream  must  be  used  before
                      commencing work.
                   •  The hand cleaner provided must be used, do not use petrol or solvents to remove dirt.
                   •  High standards of personal hygiene will significantly reduce risks and, in particular,
                      hands must be washed prior to eating, drinking or smoking.  Food and drinks are not
                      to be consumed in workshops, or work areas unless specific instructions are issued to
                      the contrary.
                   •  All cuts and abrasions are to be treated at once, regardless of how minor.  Details of
                      the injury are to be recorded in the accident book.
                   •  In areas where eye protection is necessary, then it must be employed where a risk of
                      injury exists.
                   •  When in designated hearing protection areas the hearing protection must be worn by
                      all personnel.
                   •  The Company will carry our bi monthly inspections of employees’ hands to ensure that
                      there are no signs of dermatitis or other skin work related disorders.  This will be carried
                      out by their Foreman or works Manager.
                   •  In the event of any employee suffering from any personal health issues they are to
                      advise their Foreman or the Works Manager so that occupational health surveillance
                      can be carried out.

               Due to the type of industry you are working in you should ensure that your tetanus injection
               is up to date and if you have any cuts or abrasions keep them covered up at all times to keep
               out infections. Please ensure that you speak to your manager or a director if you have any
               concerns about your health and wellbeing whilst at work.

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