Page 26 - HIL Operatives Training Manual V4 16022024_Neat
P. 26
O P E R A T I V E S T R A I N I N G M A N U A L V E R S I O N 4
2.5 Stress
The Company acknowledges that there can be negative forms of stress and that stress in the
workplace can be caused by many diverse factors such as:
▪ Job design and lack of control of workload
▪ Working environment
▪ Relationships with others at work
▪ Communication arrangements
The Company also recognises that influences outside the working environment may affect the
health and safety and performance of employees within work.
The Company will play its part in the reduction of stress by:
✓ Ensure as far as possible, that excessive stress is eliminated from the work
✓ Where possible provide support mechanisms for employees suffering from the negative
effects of stress
✓ Encourage a working environment where persons suffering from excessive stress can
approach the Managing Director in confidence
✓ Encourage a culture where stress is not seen as a sign of weakness
✓ Provide employees with information on the effects of stress
Please find additional information in the staff handbook
2.6 Welfare Facilities.
The company will where ever possible provide suitable and sufficient welfare facilities for its
employees. However due to the nature of the company’s present work it is not possible to
provide onsite welfare facilities at every work site.
Where the duration of the work is more than one week, then onsite facilities in the form of
suitable portable toilets and port a cabin mess facilities will be provided.
Where the duration of the work is less than one week the following facilities will be provided.
✓ Each works vehicle will carry dry / wipe off hand cleansers and suitable cleaning cloths.
✓ Permission will be obtained from the client to use their welfare facilities.
✓ Employees will use the nearest available public toilets.
✓ Employees will use either the vehicle or the nearest Café for their rest breaks.
✓ Bottled drinking water will be carried on each vehicle.
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