Page 31 - HIL Operatives Training Manual V4 16022024_Neat
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O P E R A T I V E S T R A I N I N G M A N U A L V E R S I O N 4
investigation of near misses is therefore a valuable tool in identifying actions to reduce
the likelihood of future accidents.
For this reason we continue to raise staff awareness of near misses with the specific
aim of getting a greater percentage of them reported.
Harrison Industrial operate a reporting and investigation procedures for all accidents
and near misses. The level of investigation varies depending on the seriousness (or
potential seriousness) of each event. However, our principle objective is to identify the
underlying or root cause and take corrective action. This may include providing
improved training, correcting the cause of equipment failures or improving our systems
of management.
Examples of near misses are as follows but not exhaustive:
➢ An unplanned event which does not cause injury or damage, but could do so
➢ Incidents of pedestrians in close contact with vehicles
➢ Vehicle to vehicle near misses
➢ Unauthorised working at height
➢ Slips or trips that do not result in injury
➢ Witnessing of dangerous activities that do not cause injury
➢ Short circuits on electrical equipment
➢ On and off site incidents
➢ Unbalanced plant with wheels off of the ground or one sided loads
4.6 Near Miss Reporting Procedure
The near miss report card or QR code should be used whenever an employee sees an
opportunity to improve upon a process or sees a potential for danger for our visitors, the
public or employees to improve safety for all.
Near Miss reporting can also be carried out by scanning the QR Code
here. This report will then be delivered directly to the management team
where appropriate action can be taken.
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