Page 42 - HIL Operatives Training Manual V4 16022024_Neat
P. 42
O P E R A T I V E S T R A I N I N G M A N U A L V E R S I O N 4
10.3 Reversing Alarms/Bleepers
These alarms are fitted for your safety and protection. They must be switched on at all
times. Any damage or defects with the alarm system must be reported to your manager
All reversing bleepers are to be working permanently. If your bleeper
is not working you must report it immediately to your manager and
do not use your vehicle until it has been repaired, or you have
permission from a company Director to proceed.
11 Asbestos
The Policy of Harrison Industrial Ltd. in respect of all asbestos containing materials, ACM’s is
to reduce as far as is practicable, any risk to the health of personnel who may be employed in
the vicinity of these materials. The requirements of the ‘Control of Asbestos at Regulations
2012' or any superseding legislation must be implemented throughout the company.
• On no account will the company permit its employees to knowingly undertake the
removal of, or work on, asbestos containing materials. The Company will not directly
undertake non- Notifiable asbestos work, non-licensed Notifiable work or licensed
• Management, prior to allowing employees or sub contracted staff to work on a site, are
to request from Clients details of asbestos on their site and notify the persons who are
to be undertaking the works.
• In the event of the Company Managing a project as the Principal Contractor it will
ensure that appropriate steps are taken to identify ACM’s on site, this may require
having an asbestos survey carried out prior to works commencing.
• It is the Clients, person in control of the works, duty to have and provide details of
asbestos on their site, in a format of an Asbestos Register or Management Plan in
compliance with the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012. Reg 4.
• Under no circumstances is any work to be undertaken on Asbestos based materials of
any kind by untrained personnel.
• Where it is suspected that ACM’s are present, then work is to cease, the area cordoned
off and the site supervisor and managing director informed immediately to ensure
appropriate examination, sampling and testing is carried out in the appropriate manner
by a competent person.
• All employees undertaking maintenance work on buildings must attend a course on
asbestos awareness. This will then be followed by annual refresher training. All training
will be provided by a competent person. Training to be carried out in compliance with
the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 Reg 10.
• In the event of unforeseen exposure to Asbestos the following must be considered in
relation to reporting the incident:
The following are examples of uncontrolled work activities likely to create a significant
concentration of fibres in the air, thereby adding to the risk of developing an asbestos related
• Use of power tools (to drill, cut etc) on most ACMs;
• Physical disturbance, such as knocking, breaking, smashing of a licensable ACM e.g.
sprayed coating, lagging, asbestos insulating board (AIB);
• Manually cutting or drilling AIB;
• Aggressive physical disturbance of asbestos cement (AC), e.g. breaking or smashing.
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