Page 3 - CYAA 2022 Winter Series Race 4 19th June 2022
P. 3

Race 4 begins

        The answer to this call was the sight of both Jedda
        and Seabird, all set to lead the fleet away to the top
        mark, RMYS Mark G and the drop of the class flag
        at 1000 hours sharp. Maybe not quite sharp for

                                                                                                       P C

             P C

        After a
        10 minute break Merlin hit the line at her
        allocated time. Tandanya and Bungoona
        followed one minute later, Bungoona had a
        couple of issues which delayed her start
        somewhat.                                                                             P C


                            Snow Goose
                                                            Akala         Martini

                  Snow Goose                                                                                  P C
          Race 4 fleet Jedda leads 18 minutes after the start. Akala, Martini, Snow Goose and Zephyr have started.


           Dingo                                  Avian                    Sirocco
                                                                                                              P C

        Four minutes later came the Tumlarens, Dingo and Avian followed up by Sirocco and
        Ettrick one minute later
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