Page 3 - CYAA 2022 Winter Series Race 7 31st July
P. 3

What the handicapper saw

                                                                 Not a pretty sight to see your most used turning mark on it’s beam ends in a back yard.

                                                                  We’ll have a status on a substitute or the return of the RMYS E mark for the next

                                                                  Photo quality comment.
               AKALA says we’re here as                         Sorry for the messy images. The boat in the original were dot’s. The image of Cyan is
               she shows the judge how to                     twice it’s actual size in the original image. It was cropped out, enlarged and placed over
                      handle 30 knots.                   the original boat. Otherwise it was a white smudge with a bit of colour.

                                      SEABIRD shows the
                                      race committee how
                                      she revels in the strong
                                      wind conditions

                  The blurry dot in the distance is
                       Kingurra under motor
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