Page 4 - CYAA 2022 Winter Series Race 7 31st July
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Rescue Boat crew next week.
Meet your Race 7 Tower crew
Plenty of stories there
Last Sunday was a rough day for our tower crew. Cancelling races and all that goes with it is not want a race management team signs up
for. They signed up to run races and in particular classic yacht races. Yes, cancelling a classic yacht race doubles the pain. So here’s the
team that went through the race cancelling pain.
First up we have Tony Hoppe.
The story on what Tony has done within yachting world needs a very large book. From the ranks of the RMYS 12 foot cadet dinghies
where he was club captain to Sydney-Hobarts, one time on Akala, to Acrospire III factotum with so much in between is the tony story.
The wisdom of Tony goes along way to sustaining Port Phillips classic yacht fleet and their
racing activity.
Next up we had Farah Nur Suaian with
us in tower on Sunday.
While maybe a first timer to classic
yacht racing, Farah, with 10 year’s
experience of scuba diving and her
advanced adventure diving
accreditation, is no stranger when it
comes to managing critical deep water
Tony Hoppe.
Raced on Phil Brown’s
Anitra V in a CYCA Classic
Farah Nur Suaian
Yacht Regatta on Sydney
Harbour Regards to all
Peter Costolloe CYAA (Vic) Handicapper