Page 7 - CYAA 2022 Winter Series Race 7 31st July
P. 7

raced to Martini, set her up and just
       made the start line on time at 11.45am.
       In  fact  we  were  still  preparing  the
       boat  as  we  crossed  the  start  line.
       We really need three people to sail
       Martini  well  but  the  third  crewman
       was now at work so we did the male
       thing  and  convinced  ourselves  that
       we  two  could  sail  with  just  two  of
       us ... well really 1.8, as Michael had
       cracked  his  ribs  and  was  not  fully

       The  first  hour  was  very  calm  and
       we debated about whether we would
       hoist  the  No  1  headsail.  We  were
       having a great time sailing with the
       other boats at a leisurely 2–3 knots
       and had a good lunch. But this ominous
       dark cloud bank was creeping towards
       us  from  the  south  west.  We  were
       concerned about it and kept an eye
       on  the  BOM  radar  until  our  mobile
       phone  decided  it  could  no  longer
       receive  data  at  about  1pm.
       Just  after  1pm  the  weather                                                                          after  every  one.  I  managed  to  do
       started  to  hit  and  it  quickly  built       over.  Things  were  now  urgent  and                   it  and  in  the  process  got  saturated
       up  to  a  gale  before  we  could  reef        being  the  most  agile  one,  I  had  to               from  my  regular  dunkings,  but  we
       the  main  sail  and  change  the               go  forward  and  take  down  the  No  2                had  to  keep  going.  With  hindsight
       headsail  down  from  the  No  2  to            headsail,  drop  it  down  a  forward                   I  wonder  about  the  ‘had  to  keep
       the  No  3.  The  sea  built  up  and           hatch  and  then  clip  on  the  No  3.                 going’: it must be a male thing. The
       soon  we  were  battling  large                 Normally  this  is  fine  but  I  had  never            wind  was  now  howling.  The  radio
       waves  that  quickly  built  up  to  two        done  it  in  these  conditions.  I  had  no            had come alive with calls from other
       metres.  Before  long  the  wind  and           choice  as  Martini  was  getting  belted.              yachts that were in serious trouble.
       the  waves  were  just  knocking  us                                                                    We heard calls from five yachts that
                                                       The bow was being hammered by these                     had  been  dismasted  and  we  think
                                                       large  waves  and  going  under  water
   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11