Page 5 - CYAA 2022 Winter Series Race 7 31st July
P. 5

                                      A heavy wind sail training story from Mercedes III 31  July 2022
        Jane Williamson Mercedes III Crew comments

        We saw gusts of over 32 knots when we did a training sail We used this time to practice. This included rotation positions. I helmed for
        example. Pretended our skipper was overboard with a short crew.

        I think the reason we sailed is that we were there and ready and confident with our skill crew to go out. I think some of the smaller boats
        might have elected not to sail at all because of the wind. But I wouldn’t know. If cancelled the night before we would have been home in
        bed. Don’t worry…. The job of the committee is to keep us and the boats safe. You did that. We are all safe. You do a phenomenal job.
        Don’t forget that.

        As we were on the dock dressed and ready we made the decision to do a training session. Good for us to try different roles etc. we prepared

        the boat for the conditions, ref etc prior to leaving and we chose a course which suited the conditions. Back and forth reaching, so it was
        uncomplicated and crew happy. We tried different roles. We practiced skipper overboard so we were able to practice in conditions that if
        we were to race in next time, the crew would be better prepoared and equipped to deal with the conditions.

        Peter Bowe Mercedes III Skipper comments                                         Some had not done the quiet drift back to pick up the imaginary
                                                                                         crew by leaving all sails fully sheeted on going down wind.
        I feel that the cancelling the race at the last minute whilst sensibly

        cautious, took the decision away from the skippers and therefore                 Some got to practise at calling the gusts
        their opportunity for them to make the decision.
                                                                                         Jane  got  the  feel  of  it  rounding  up  in  the  gusts  and  the
        Whilst there is plenty of bravado in the fleet whilst in the bar, it             phenomenon explained to others on why the boat did that and
        can become questionable on the water.                                            how it is a much bigger problem with plastics.

        When we got out there it was nice just to reach back and forth for               Opportunity for plenty of questioning of decisions….what if
        an hour                                                                          someone goes over, wotif I go over,

        We took the opportunity to learn,                                                Questions of crew experience level/ experience in that position/
                                                                                         preparedness to take on another role
        Some of the crew had never set the boat up for the first reef,
                                                                                         Crew placement - should she/he be up there on the bow, in
        None had done a hove-to,
                                                                                         front of the mast, forward of the cockpit, back beside me

                                                                                          Result was no one got hurt and nothing broken!
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