Page 6 - CYAA 2022 Winter Series Race 7 31st July
P. 6

MARTINI                                                  conditions  no  boats
         A RACE FOR SURVIVAL ON PORT PHILLIP                      should  ever  sail.
         ROSS  CLARK
                                                                  one  hour  before  the
         It  started  easily  enough,  Michael                    start time, 0930. The
         Williams  and  I  really  enjoy  the                     weather  was  really
         Festival  of  Sail  and  we  had  to  enter              ugly and the race was
         the  race  to  avenge  our  previous                     postponed.  Sadly  I
         victories.  But  this  year,  2013,  there               prepared to go to work
         was  a  problem  …                                       as did our third crew
                                                                  member. We usually
                                                                  take  wives  on  this
                                                                  passage race but this
         .. the weather for last Friday was forecast
         to be bad, really bad. There was a gale                  year  said  no  due  to
         warning out for the bay and under these                  the  predicted  bad

                                                                                              From  the  31st  level  of  Freshwater  Place  of  the  start  at  11:45  am  The  cloud
                                                                                              bank  to  the  south  doesn’t  look  that  ominous!

                                                                                              Then a strange          though  there  was  a  gale  warning
                                                                                              thing happened.         current.  They  shortened  the  course
                                                                                              The      weather        presumably to avoid a severe second
                                                                                              appeared         to     cold front that was approaching from
                                                                                              abate  and  the         the  south  west.
                                                                                              race committee
                                                                                              decided  to  run        I  dropped  the  work  idea  in  about
                                                                                              the  race,  even        40 milliseconds as did Michael. We
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