Page 10 - winter 2018 the Rock
P. 10
10 Friends oF red rock canyon
he center quote about
volunteers by Dave
T Gynn is very appropriate.
Volunteers tend to look for ways to
make great things happen. They’ll
create new teams to fill a need and
expand their scope of responsibility
to keep the area clean. They’ll bring
humor, laughter and the sense of
fun to a job that most people would thank them for their considerable
ignore or run from screaming. Did contributions. President Tom Lisby
I ever mention that one of my first recognized Harold Larson and Dan
volunteer projects was picking up and Vera Wray for their 20-year
horse poop on First Creek Trail? memberships in Friends of Red
And here I am, 19 years later, still Rock Canyon. Mary Labie, whose
volunteering - although the assign- total volunteer contributions exceed
ments have improved a bit. 4,000 hours, was presented with
a special Lifetime Achievement
Friends of Red Rock Canyon Award. Barb Bergstrom and Brenda
(FORRC) hosted our annual Volun- Jackson also earned the Lifetime
teer Appreciation and Recognition Achievement Award but were
banquet in November to put the unable to attend the banquet.
spotlight on people who deserve
some serious accolades. Our
members volunteered more than “Don’t ever question the value
28,300 hours during our last fiscal
year - 156 members cared enough
Volunteers dedicated to the preservation of Red Rock Canyon
about the Rock to come out, pitch in of volunteers. Noah’s Ark was
and take care of what we own.
built by volunteers; the Titanic
In addition to sponsoring the
luncheon, FORRC distributed Vol-
unteer Appreciation Rewards and was built by professionals.”
Presidential Call to Service Awards
to more than 50 members to Dave Gynn
Top center: Harold Larson and Tom
Above: Tortoise habitat volunteers
Karen and Mike Evans
Left: Big Jim Sage and Tom Lisby
with the “Sustaining Partner” Award
Photo by Tom Lisby Right: Brittany Brooks presenting
Susan Murphy with the “Grand
Circle” Award
the Rock - Volume 8 Issue 2