Page 16 - magazine the rock fall 2016
P. 16

16 Friends oF red rock canyon

               See You At The Festival

                                                                                         By Sharon Schaaf

                 Each fall the City of Las Vegas celebrates       ing, writing and publishing “Seekers, Saints
               the written word at the Vegas Valley Book          and Scoundrels.”
               Festival. In its fifteenth year, this year’s
               festival will be held on Saturday, October 15        The Festival will also be celebrating the
               from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the Historic       100th Anniversary of the National Park Ser-
                                             Fifth Street         vice. QT
                                             School, 401          Luong,
                                             S. Fourth            author
                                             Street. All          and pho-
                                             events are           tographer
                                             free and             of “Trea-
                                             open to the          sured
                                             public.              Lands,” a
                 Friends of Red Rock Canyon is happy              history
               to be part of this year’s gathering. Chuck         of the
               Williams, Norm Kresge and I will be there          National
               talking about our book “Seekers, Saints and        Park Service, will talk about his book. An
               Scoundrels: The Colorful Characters of Red         exhibit of his photos will also be featured.
      Volunteers dedicated to the preservation of Red Rock Canyon
               Rock Canyon.” We are excited to discuss
               our book with the Las Vegas community.               There will be workshops, panels and
                                                                  author presentations covering all genres,
                 In the past year, “Seek-                                             including children’s
               ers, Saints and Scoundrels”                                            literature with special
               has won two awards. The                                                events designed just for
               Association of Partners                                                kids. This is just a part
               of Public Lands (a group                                               of what is planned for
               of nonprofit organiza-                                                 the day.
               tions working together to
               benefit public lands) gave                                              Up-to-date informa-
               our book their Honor-                                                  tion is available on
               able Mention-Best New                                                  the Festival’s website:
               Publication Award. The                                                 www.VegasValley-
               Daughters of the American                                    
               Revolution gave Friends
               the Historic Preservation                                               Make sure you stop
               Recognition Award for excellent volunteer          by to visit Chuck, Norm and me. We’ll be in
               work in historic preservation for research-        Tent 2 from 1:00 to 1:45 p.m.

               the Rock - Volume 7 Issue 1
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