Page 12 - magazine the rock fall 2016
P. 12

12 Friends oF red rock canyon

        Friends Protect....

        Organ Mountains — Desert Peaks National Monument

                                                                                            By Ben Gabriel

                                                   Photos by Artist in Residence Emmitt Booher © 2014

                                              In May of           We celebrated the connections between our
                                             2014, Organ          communities and all of our local National
                                             Mountains –          Monuments: Organ Mountains – Desert
                                             Desert Peaks         Peaks, Prehistoric Trackways and White
                                             National Mon-        Sands. It’s no wonder Southern New Mexico
                                             ument was            is one of the nation’s top ten places to visit
                                             established in       recommended by Lonely Planet. From hikes
                                             Southern New         to helicopter tours, the world famous Hatch
                                             Mexico, pro-         Chile Festival,
                                             tecting some         Plein Air Festival
                                             of the most          and Las Cruces
                                             iconic Chihua-       Salsa Festival,
                                             huan Desert          there are plenty of
                                             landscapes and       activities for all
                                             becoming one         ages and inter-
                                             of the newest        ests. These annual
      Volunteers dedicated to the preservation of Red Rock Canyon
                                             of the National      events truly make
                                             Conservation         Organ Mountains

                    Aden Crater              Lands. Our           Desert Peaks an
                                            Monument’s            incredible place to
                unique geologic features and proximity to         visit.                    Pena Blanca Storm
                the urban centers of Las Cruces, El Paso and
                Ciudad Juárez, Mexico make it important             In partnership with the Bureau of Land
                both geographically and culturally. Since         Management – Las Cruces, Friends
                the designation of the National Monu-             launched the Artist in Residence Program
                ment, Friends of Organ Mountains - Desert                                          at Organ
                Peaks have focused on connecting with our                                           Moun-
                communities, creating meaningful on-the-                                            tains
                ground programs and strong partnerships                                             - Desert
                that extend beyond borders to foster stew-                                          Peaks
                ardship, connection and restoration.                                                in 2015.
                  In September 2016, Las Cruces and                                                 month-
                Doña Ana County kicked off the first an-                                            long res-
                nual Monuments to Main Street Month.                                                idency
                                                                  Van Patten Mountain Camp

               the Rock - Volume 7 Issue 1
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