Page 7 - magazine the rock fall 2016
P. 7
Friends oF red rock canyon 7
By Cam Camburn
Did you know that Red Rock Canyon has a
Under the direction of Kate Sorom, Inter-
pretive Park Ranger, volunteers will have
access to a library of several hundred books
beginning in November 2016.
Located adjacent to the reception area in
the Administration Building, the library has
volumes pertaining to Nevada and Native
American history, ecology and geology, wild-
life, wildflowers and cacti, as well as multiple
other topics. There are several shelves de-
voted to children’s books.
Evolving from a “breakroom collection” in
the old Visitor Center, the library now in- Ranger Kate Sorom in the new Administrative Offices Library
cludes books requested by staff, extra copies Photo by Cam Camburn
from Elements Gift and Book Store in the Administration offices. Your name and phone
Visitor Center, as well as donations. Dona- number will be recorded on a copy of the
tions are welcome if they are both recent and front of the book(s) you are borrowing. Upon
relevant as shelf space is limited. return, the copy will be removed from the
To check out a book, see Office Manager If you have questions, contact Kate at 702-
Wendy Eshliman or Ranger Sorom at the 515-5353.
Fall 2016