Page 6 - magazine the rock fall 2016
P. 6

6    Friends oF red rock canyon

          Rock On Red Rock License Plate

                                                                                         By Joseph Labie

                Friends of Red Rock Canyon                                     Rock Canyon National Conserva-
              have had a charitable license                                    tion Area.
              plate since May 2008. We are
              very fortunate to have this                                        You can help us help the Can-
              significant revenue source as                                    yon. And get a bonus as well.
              it provides the majority of our
              income. We are pursuing avenues to increase          Effective October 1, 2016, a program to
              sales so that Friends can continue to maintain     promote sales of the license plate will begin
              and increase our ability to fund projects at Red   to encourage our members to purchase the
              Rock Canyon.                                       Red Rock Canyon charitable plates and, in
                                                                 turn, enhance the amount of support we can
                How important is our support? Some of the        provide. The program contains incentives
              major ways we spend the license plate funds        for Friends members and nonmembers who
              are:                                               haven’t purchased a plate yet. And participat-
                •   We fund Transportation Grants (bus) to       ing in the program is easy.
                   bring at-risk schoolchildren to the Rock for
                   field trips.                                    Existing Friends members will receive, fol-
                •   We provide supplies, equipment and materi-   lowing the promotion guidelines, a $10 gift
      Volunteers dedicated to the preservation of Red Rock Canyon
                   als to care for the resident “Rock Stars,” the   certificate to Elements Gift and Book Store
                   nine desert tortoises - Hugo, Max, Betty,     located in the Visitor Center for each new
                   Maxine, Lucie, Libby, Mae, Shelby and         license plate purchased between October 1,
                   Willie.                                       2016 and September 30, 2017.
                •   Buying equipment, supplies and any other
                   materials needed for the unfortunate task of    Nonmembers will be thanked with a one-
                   graffiti removal.                             year complimentary Friends individual mem-
                •   Supporting our volunteers who maintain and   bership valued at $25 when they purchase a
                   improve the 60+ miles of trails.              Red Rock Canyon charitable plate. A Family
                •   Training such as CPR/First Aid is funded by   membership, valued at $35, will be presented
                   Friends of Red Rock Canyon.                   if a nonmember purchases more than one li-
                •   Costs for community volunteer work days,     cense plate. Purchases must be made between
                   including equipment, supplies and meals,      October 1, 2016 and September 30, 2017.
                   are funded by Friends of Red Rock Can-
                   yon. These include Make a Difference Day,       I invite all Friends members to help with this
                   National Public Lands Day, Red Rock Day       promotion by sharing the information with
                   and others.                                   nonmember friends and family. Please contact
                •   We have the ability to provide the fund-     me at with
                   ing necessary for major projects involving    your questions.
                   capital improvements throughout the Red

               the Rock - Volume 7 Issue 1
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