Page 9 - magazine the rock fall 2016
P. 9

Friends oF red rock canyon      9

                 Thanks to everyone who helped with the
                exams and who donated to the Tort Medical
                Fund; the torts appreciate it!

                 The vet had some ideas for “tortoise en-
                richment” to basically make things a little
                more interesting for them. One suggestion
                was to attach greens to a vertical pipe to
                make the tortoises work for their food. We
                told Super-Tort-Volunteer Mike Evans and
                he promptly built five “kale trees.” They are
                stands made out of PVC pipes with holes
                for inserting greens. Several volunteers have
                commented that Max especially seems more               The newest habitat resident - Max’s Buddy

                                                                   active and alert since we started using the
                                                                   trees. So it’s working! We’re also hoping to
                                                                   put water in large shallow containers so the
                                                                   torts can walk through it. That is still in the
                                                                   planning stage.

                                                                     There is a new web camera in the habitat.
                                                                   It focuses on Max’s favorite burrow and
                                                                   part of the girls’ habitat. You can also see
                                                                   the volunteers! To view the live stream or
                                                                   archived footage, go to http//:www.Mojave-
                                                          Now we’ll really know what he’s
                                                                   up to!

                                                                     We’re going to stop feeding the torts at
                                                                   the end of September. It takes them up to
                                                                   thirty days to digest their food, and it is
                                                                   best if they enter brumation with an empty
                                                                   stomach. They’ll start brumating in October
                                                                   and November and will stay in their bur-
                                                                   rows until February or March. This season
                                                                   50 volunteers spent more than 1,400 hours
                                                                   taking care of the torts.

                        Maxine and Willie with breakfast                  Thanks for all of your help!

                                                                                                    Fall 2016
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