Page 13 - magazine the rock fall 2016
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Friends oF red rock canyon     13

                 allows an artist time to immerse themselves     support further protection and designation
                 into the desert landscape and absorb the vast   of eight existing Wilderness Study Areas
                 history and cultural significance of the lands.   within the Organ Mountains – Desert Peaks
                 The works of our resident artists showcase      National Monument as Wilderness. Later
                 our stunning desert mountain landscapes         this year, we will also turn our attention to
                 from new and unique perspectives and have       the Resource Management Planning period
                 been featured across the Southwest in galler-   for the Monument.
                 ies and lectures.
                                                                   It’s a crucial time for the public to stand
                   This past summer, Friends collaborated        up and pay attention to public lands protec-
                 with the University of Chihuahua and New        tion, as these special places face challenges
                 Mexico Wildlife Services to conduct a bio-      and pressures from many directions. We
                 logical inventory for portions of the National   continuously strive to help Organ Moun-
                 Monument. This program provided hands-on        tains – Desert Peaks National Monument
                 training opportunities for twelve students      stand as a premier example of America’s
                 while generating baseline data on wildlife      National Conservation Lands and to raise
                 and habitat. The new relationship marks the     local public awareness of the value of pub-
                 international appeal of National Conserva-      lic lands. We hope you’ll join us in support
                 tion Lands.                                     of public lands protection and restoration of
                                                                 the ecological, natural, cultural and histori-
                   We celebrate our successes, but the work      cal resources they hold.
                 has just begun. Currently Friends works to

                                  About the author: Ben Gabriel graduated from Ohio University in 2004 with a degree in
                                  Adventure Recreation. He moved to New Mexico upon receiving a job as Assistant Director,
                                  managing the new Outdoor Recreation Program at New Mexico State University. During that
            La Cueva Rocks        center, providing rental, retail and bike services to the NMSU community. Ben also received a
                                  time, he oversaw the development of the university climbing wall, trips, clinics and the outdoor
                                  Masters in Higher Education Administration from NMSU in 2010. In December 2014, he ac-
                                  cepted the position of Executive Director of the Friends of Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks. Ben
                                  is married to Christa and has a daughter, Neko.

               Getting there: Organ Mountains – Desert Peaks National Monument is located east of Las Cruces, New Mexico.
               Find out more about this remarkable location at:

                                                                                                    Fall 2016
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