Page 14 - magazine the rock fall 2016
P. 14

14 Friends oF red rock canyon

               Take a Hike - Step Ladder Trail

                                                                   Article and Photos By Norm Kresge

                  Ready for a good cardio workout? Be-           be aware that you may see mountain bike
                fore the cold weather sets in, you can get       riders or horseback riders. After this struggle
                in another hike at Mount Charleston at a         up the east leg of the ladder, you reach a
                lower level. The Step Ladder Trail is named      saddle. The last time we hiked this trail there
                that because it looks like the legs and top      was no signage. However, when you get to
                of a stepladder. The start and end make up       the top,
                the ground on which you’d place a steplad-       turn left
                der. This is one of the new trails designated    and hike
                when the Spring Mountain Gateway Visitor         across the
                Center was opened. They have started to put      top of the
                in signage, which is great!                      ladder.
                                                                 There’s a
                  The hike can be done clockwise or              photo of
                counter-clockwise. I’d recommend counter-        a sign at
                clockwise. Start at the east side of the park-   the saddle.
                                              ing area—the       Keep
                                              side opposite      walking
                                              the rest-          west until               At the top of the ladder
      Volunteers dedicated to the preservation of Red Rock Canyon
                                              rooms. The         you come to
                                              beginning          the old road, which is the way back.
                                              of the trail is
                                              signed as the        Make a left when you get to the old road
                                              Shady Hol-         and follow it down the west leg of the step-
                                              low Trail.         ladder. You’ll get views of the new visitor
                                              This is the        center, the Mount Charleston Hotel, and the
                                              trail on which     Escarpment on the south side of the visitor
                                              you start.         center. The trail is not marked on the way
                                              Continue for       down, but it doesn’t have to be. There’s only
                                              a few tenths       one way to go.
                                              of a mile and
                                              you come to          When you get near the end, the trail takes
                                              a junction         a 90 degree left turn—another old road. This
             The  beginning of the 2 mile descent
                                             and the Step        portion is very steep. You need to be careful
                Ladder Trail. The trail makes a 90 degree        and take your time going down this section.
                left turn and is marked. This is where your      Sometimes the best way is to walk some-
                cardio will begin. The trail goes up approxi-    what sideways to keep your balance and to
                mately two miles. It is a multi-use trail, so    keep from sliding down the hill. This is a

               the Rock - Volume 7 Issue 1
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