Page 10 - magazine the rock fall 2016
P. 10
10 Friends oF red rock canyon
What You’ve Accomplished and What Lies Ahead
Friends of Red Rock Canyon days year round. No holidays off. No
members meet annually to decide weekends off. Day in and day out,
on the course of the organization. our members are at the Rock and
Our members have the privilege and contributing. What are some of the
responsibility of deciding who will things we do there? See the sidebar
lead our nonprofit group. They also to the right that lists a small portion
authorize and approve the operating of the jobs our members fill and the
budget, our cash reserve policy and projects that Friends funds.
raised-funds policies.
The members voted unanimously Tom Lisby and Chuck Williams
Over eighty members attended the to approve the financial recom- Photo by Liz Carmer
Saturday morning meeting at Bonnie mendations presented by outgoing
Springs Ranch. After a buffet break- president Chuck Williams:
fast, outgoing President Chuck Wil- • Mandated cash reserve policy
liams welcomed the members and – Friends will maintain a
guests then shared the accomplish- $100,000 cash reserve in case
ments our members have made in the of emergency conditions. The
past year. And their accomplishments membership must vote to re-
were impressive. lease any of these funds.
• Red Rock Improve-
Volunteers dedicated to the preservation of Red Rock Canyon
ment Fund – Friends will
allocate up to $50,000 from
the License Plate revenues
for capitol or major im-
provements at Red Rock
Canyon. These funds may
only be committed by board
vote and are separate from
the operating budget. Funds
not spent or allocated be-
tween October 1, 2016, and
December 31, 2017, will
Where our money comes from remain in the License Plate
revenue account.
• Grant or donations
Friends’ volunteers have donated received – Will be separate
over 25,000 hours of their time and from the operating budget and
talents. In the real world, this equates allocated/spent per the grant or
to nine people working eight-hour donation qualifications.
Patricia Potter
the Rock - Volume 7 Issue 1