Page 16 - Print Fall 2013 magazine
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Friends of Red Rock Canyon                                                         Nonprofit Organization
      P.O. Box 97                                                                        U.S. Postage Paid
      Blue Diamond, NV  89004                                                            Blue Diamond, NV
                                                                                         Permit No. 33

      Making a Difference Since 1984
                                                     Calendar of Events

              Date           Event                             What is it?                    Contact
           10/01     Walkway Applications Due   Veteran’s Day Installation            Leila Arthur  702-515-5360
           10/12     Save on Saturday           Friends members save 20% at Elements   Mary Labie  702-515-5360
                                                A morning of trail restoration, construction or   Wyatt Mulvey
           10/12     Natural Resource Workday
                                                whatever needs repair       
           10/17     BLM Open House             Informative/informal meetings w/BLM staff   Robbie McAboy  702-515-5354
           10/18     Friends Board Meeting      At REI Boca Park – Members welcome    Jim Sudduth  702-515-5366

           11/02     Make a Difference Day      Community Volunteer Work Event        Cal Howell  702-515-5386
        11/09 to 11/11  FEE FREE WEEKEND        Celebrate Veteran’s Day on Public Lands
        11/09 to 11/11  Celebrate Veteran’s Day   10% Off Everything Day in Elements   Jana Dagerman  702-515-5379
           11/09     Save on Saturday           Friends members save 20% at Elements   Mary Labie  702-515-5360
                                                A morning of trail restoration, construction or   Wyatt Mulvey
           11/09     Natural Resource Workday
                                                whatever needs repair       
           11/14     BLM Open House             Informative/informal meetings w/BLM staff   Robbie McAboy  702-515-5354
           11/15     Friends Board Meeting      At REI Boca Park – Members welcome    Jim Sudduth  702-515-5366
           11/16     Friends Quarterly Meeting   Breakfast Meeting                    Jim Sudduth  702-515-5366
           11/16     Book Nook                  Book Club with Janis                  Janis Kadlec  702-515-5380
           11/23     EGO Workshop               Explore the Great Outdoors teacher workshop   Kate Sorom  702-515-5353
           11/28     Thanksgiving               Visitor Center Open 8 am to 12 pm     Chelise Simmons 702-515-5350
                                                  EXPECT HEAVY TRAFFIC ON THE
           11/29     Black Friday                                                     Chelise Simmons 702-515-5350
                                                           SCENIC DRIVE
        11/29 & 11/30  Jewelry Sale             Take 20% off all jewelry in Elements   Jana Dagerman  702-515-5379

           12/1      Jewelry Sale               Take 20% off all jewelry in Elements   Jana Dagerman  702-515-5379
                                                Thank you celebration for our Red Rock vol-
           12/07     Winter Solstice                                                  Jim Sudduth  702-515-5366
           12/14     Save on Saturday           Friends members save 20% at Elements   Mary Labie  702-515-5360
                                                A morning of trail restoration, construction or   Wyatt Mulvey
           12/14     Natural Resource Workday
                                                whatever needs repair       
           12/25     Christmas                  Visitor Center open 12 pm to 4:30 pm   Chelise Simmons 702-515-5350
           12/25     Santa Sale                 What Santa Left Behind at Elements    Jana Dagerman  702-515-5379
           12/31     New Year’s Eve             Visitor Center Open 8 am to 4:30 pm   Chelise Simmons 702-515-5350

                                                                                                 Volume 4, Issue  1
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