Page 12 - Print Fall 2013 magazine
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My first article about the use of Friends of Red Rock Canyon (FORRC) budgeted funds dealt with paying for
recycling services at the Visitor Center and Campground. Funding these services reduces litter and contributes
to our goal of “being green.” Helping to eliminate pet poop on the trails is the subject of this second article.
Friends has spent $1,000 per year for biodegradable
“doggie” waste bags since 2003. There are plastic bag
dispensers at all the parking lots on the Scenic Drive
plus one at Red Spring.
Friends volunteer, Sherm LaCoff, checks and fills all
of the dispensers along the Scenic Drive and at Red
Spring. A few are located at the Red Rock
Campground; Campground Hosts take care of refill-
ing those dispensers.
This is a very important volunteer project that Friends
has been supporting for a number of years. If not for
the bags, hiking would become a little more difficult. Photo by Chuck Williams
Making Friends (continued from page 10)
We have other great volunteers who serve at the re-
cruiting table. You can get to know them in future is-
sues of the Rock.
Recruiting takes place on the second Saturday of each
month at the Visitor Center from 10 am to 4 pm. This
day is what we call SAVE on SATURDAY because
new members who join that very day will also receive
25% discount in the Elements Gift and Book Store. It
is also a special day for current members who receive
20% discount. Both discounts apply to regularly
priced merchandise.
Recruiting tables are also available at Friends’ socials;
special event workdays such as Make a Difference
Day, National Public Lands Day, Red Rock Day; and
at events sponsored by Friends’ partners, such as REI.
If you would like to help us increase our membership
through recruiting, please contact
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