Page 11 - Print Fall 2013 magazine
P. 11
“Risk-taker, gambler, drinker, cheerleader, defender She won and
and protector of the Constitution, fair and honest, nev- had “live food”
er backs down, a brand” (see the book cover) -- these until she passed
are the words that Oscar Goodman uses to describe away at 93. I
himself in his newly published book Being Oscar: would have
From Mob Lawyer to Mayor of Las Vegas - Only In liked Laura
America. He wrote the book with George Anastasia Goodman!
whose other titles include Mob Father, The Goodfella
Tapes and Mob Files.
During his 35 years as a defense attorney and three
Oscar devotes most of his terms as Mayor, Oscar Goodman met and worked
book to telling stories from with dozens of fascinating people. He has had din-
his lawyer days. He ner with Sister Domenica “The Singing Nun,”
doesn’t mind the title Mob worked with Robert DeNiro and others on
Lawyer, reminding us that “Casino,” had roles on TV shows with Tom
all citizens have the right Selleck and James Caan, and met presidential
to a legal defense and hopefuls and presidents…and that’s just a few; the
these men, with last names list goes on and on. My favorite anecdote is about
ending in vowels, were his architect Frank Gehry, designer of the Lou Ruvo
clients. Oscar also loved Center for Brain Health. During the meeting at
being Mayor of Las Vegas and the imprint he left on which Gehry agreed to design the building, Gehry
our city shows that. took a piece of crepe paper, crumbled it in his hand
and threw it on the table. It was the same shape
Some of the best stories in the book are about his fam-
and form as the brain center building.
ily. Oscar grew up in Philadelphia and moved to Las
Vegas with his wife Carolyn in 1964. During his time There are many, many more stories in the book, all
as Mayor, and a few years after his dad passed away, told with Oscar Goodman frankness. You will
Oscar convinced his 91-year-old mom to move to Las agree with his opinions and actions or strongly dis-
Vegas. A few weeks after she was settled in a senior agree with him.
facility, he got a call in his City Hall office from one
of the facility administrators. His mom had organized But no matter what, you have to respect a man
a hunger strike until they replaced the “powdered stuff who says that of all the things he’s accomplished
and boxed stuff” with “live food,” her name for fresh in his life, none compares to marrying his wife
vegetables like baked potatoes and broccoli. Carolyn.
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