Page 14 - Print Fall 2013 magazine
P. 14
Saturday, September 7 was a spectacular day at Red Later in the afternoon, the Dog Days of Summer, one
Rock Canyon. Friends, in partnership with the Bureau of our quarterly
of Land Management (BLM) and Red Rock Canyon celebrations for
Interpretive Association (RRCIA), hosted two events Red Rock volun-
dedicated to volunteers. teers was held.
The event, orga-
The first, Volunteer Career Day, was a fun morning of nized by Jim Sud- The line up for the buffet line
luring poten- duth — Friends
tial volunteers Volunteer Services, focused on acknowledging the
for projects critical contributions made by the attending volunteers.
such as cultur-
al site stew- John Minardi and Gary Vetter recruit graf- Mark Spencer, BLM
ardship, graf- fiti removal volunteers. Field Manager for Red
fiti removal, tortoise habitat monitoring and trails res- Rock and Sloan Can-
toration. Nonprofit organizations such as Friends of yons, and Blaine Bene-
Gold Butte, Friends of dict, RRCIA Executive
Nevada Wilderness, Director, shared their
Gerry Wojciechowski (r) con-
the Outside Las Vegas grilling expertise by bar-
gratulates Benedict on a job
Foundation, RRCIA, (and dog) well done. becuing 175 hot
the Nevada Site Stew- dogs and veggie dogs for
ardship Program and the 80 attendees. In addition to the
Nancy Hall, Friends of Gold Mojave Max shared hot dogs, potato salad, chili, baked
Butte, shares information.
volunteer opportunities beans and dessert, there were also
with approximately 500 guests. People discovered the raffle prizes and door prizes for our
many ways they can help their special place and many hardworking guests to enjoy.
signed up for scheduled events and training.
Remains of the day
And there’s one in every crowd… to attend the celebration but was asked, politely, to
As with any fabulous party, there is always a snake leave by Mark Spencer. The snake was escorted off
who tries to get in without an invitation. Saturday was the premises by Mark Spencer with an assist from
no exception: A Mojave Green rattlesnake wanted Gary Vetter.
“I heard there was a party…”
“Sorry. You “Bye-bye
can’t stay. now.”
You’re not a
Photos by Roger and Sue Kolar
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