Page 7 - FINAL fall 2014 magazine
P. 7

By Joseph Labie

          I thought you would never ask about how this beau-     finished articles are sent on to the article’s authors for
       tiful magazine is put together. Well — first, there is a   their last chance for corrections.

       call for articles and a publishing schedule is issued by
                                                                     After the layout and preliminary edits are done, the
       the “Chief.” Publishing starts with an idea about the
                                                                 entire magazine crew meets in The Secret Place to re-
       theme of the magazine should be. For instance, this
       issue focuses on Friends of Red Rock Canyon’s 30          ally dissect each page to make it perfect for your read-
                                                                 ing pleasure. The crew comes to the Final Edit with
       Anniversary milestone and the importance of volun-
                                                                 their lists of corrections such as spelling, complete
       teers in protecting our public lands. There are usually
                                                                 sentences, punctuation and even how the article looks.
       between eight and ten volunteers that meet in The
       Secret Place and who work very hard to make the           You would be surprised at all the commas, periods,
                                                                 colons, semi-colons, questions marks, quotation mark
       magazine informative and entertaining.
                                                                 placement and the other hickies (all those other strange
           Writers send their submissions to the Chief and       punctuation symbols) that are discussed, moved or re-
       Articles Editor for round one of the editing process.     moved.
       The Editorial Team gets
                                                                                                   Off it goes to the
       copies of all the articles,
                                                                                               printer when everyone
       advertising, calendars
       and inserts before meet-                                                                is happy with it.  In
       ing in The Secret Place                                                                 about a week, the mag-
                                                                                               azine is done and
       for the Final Edit. The
                                                                                               picked up by the Chief.
       Editorial Team also
       determines if the arti-                                                                 The magazine assembly

       cles are appropriate for                                                                and mailing crew is on
                                                                                               standby alert, and when
       the theme of the issue.
                                                                                               the call is received, we
       Once the articles and                                                                   all go to The Secret
       photographs are gath-                                                                   Place where the address
       ered, then the layout                                                                   labels are attached, the

       process begins. This is                                                                 inserts are inserted and
                                 The joys of the editing process as drawn by Creative Editor Rob Tuvell
       done by the Chief and                                                                  the little sticky circles
       the Creative Editor. “Where should this photo go?”        are applied as required by the Post Office. The assem-
       Or, “On what page should this article be?” When the       bly crew works through four or five different mailing
       layout is complete, no small task, the almost                                       (Continued on page 16)
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