Page 8 - FINAL fall 2014 magazine
P. 8

By Lucas Herndon

                                                                                 Photos from Friends of Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks

         The Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks, located by Las Cruces, New Mexico, constitute nearly 500,000 acres of pristine
         Chihuahuan high desert, over 9,000 feet above sea level at the peaks of the Organ Mountains. It is a unique
         monument made up of four distinct units, all of which contain historic resources dating from the Paleozoic era to
         testing grounds used by Apollo astronauts. There are significant American Indian resources from many different
         times and tribal movements, as well as evidence of both Spanish and American colonial exploration. All four areas
         also support a multitude of distinctive desert flora and fauna.

           In May of this year, President Obama used his         community desires and who understands the
       authority under the Antiquities Act to designate the      importance of protecting the cultural resources for
       Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monument.           which the monument was designated while also

       We at the Friends of the Organ Mountains-Desert           trying to accommodate their multi-use mandate.
       Peaks are elated to have been a part of the process for
       over two years, joining many great local and national         Now that the
       groups who had been working on protection for our
                                                                 active campaign has
       desert landscapes for over a decade.
                                                                 reached its success-
           The Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks National             ful conclusion, we
       Monument joins some of America’s greatest land-           have been transi-
                                         scapes within the       tioning to work

                                         National Conser-        more closely with
                                         vation Lands, the       the BLM on interim    Petroglyph within the National
                                         newest system of        management goals
                                         land management         and strategies before the long process of implement-
                                         in the country.         ing a more permanent Resource Management Plan or
                                         The National Con-       RMP.

                                         servation Lands             Additionally, we have been working with an
                                         differ from the
       Full fossil skeleton of giant ground                      enthusiastic group of city officials, the Las Cruces
       sloth discovered in Organ Mountains-  National Parks      Green Chamber of Commerce and representatives
       Desert Peaks in the 1920s         System or National      from the community on a simple informational bro-
                                         Forests in many         chure. This brochure can be used by the Convention
       ways, mostly because they are largely managed by
                                                                 and Visitors Bureau to highlight the easiest and safest
       the Bureau of Land Management. We are fortunate to
                                                                 recreation areas for tourists and members of the
       have a local BLM office who is very responsive to
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